Pros Who Look Better After Retirement

Some of the past greats who’ve gained respectability in the sport have actually improved after retiring.

Two come to mind:

Gary Strydom

Rory Leidelmeyer

Anyone else?

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Some of the past greats who’ve gained respectability in the sport have actually improved after retiring.

Two come to mind:

Gary Strydom

Rory Leidelmeyer

Anyone else?[/quote]

Larry Scott if I’m not mistaken. His arms actually improved further and looked thicker… He got completely out of shape at one point, but recovered. Dunno how he’s doing now.

Since I think this is kind of an offshoot to another thread, Ill throw in a name that popped up over there. Bob Paris. Dunno if anyone’s seen him lately, but although he no longer looks anything like a bodybuilder, he does have the sort of build that any normal guy over 40 would look at and be totaly shocked.

Oh, and if anyone’s seen Yates lately, he’s damn solid looking at somewhere between 200-215 lbs.


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Since I think this is kind of an offshoot to another thread, Ill throw in a name that popped up over there. Bob Paris. Dunno if anyone’s seen him lately, but although he no longer looks anything like a bodybuilder, he does have the sort of build that any normal guy over 40 would look at and be totaly shocked.

Oh, and if anyone’s seen Yates lately, he’s damn solid looking at somewhere between 200-215 lbs.


Yates is down that much? Surprises me, I remember pics of him retired at 240 or so and heard that he wanted to stay at roughly 240-230… How old is he now, anyway? Got any recent pictures?

HE was in a fairly reecent flex pictorial about Marc Dugdale’s training video ‘a week in the dungeon’. Yate’s forearms still look like they’re made of concrete -lol


He was 250 there supposedly, that was 2006 ?

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:

He was 250 there supposedly, that was 2006 ? [/quote]

Look at those calves!

Francis Benfatto

Rachel McLish at 50

Frank Zane at 63, sorry for the small pic

The February, 2008 issue of Ironman Magazine featured an 18-page cover story called ?Cory - Fabulous and Fit at 50?. The author, Babs Hogan also wrote a subsequent article in Maximum Balance about Cory Everson turning 50.

[quote]OctoberGirl wrote:
Rachel McLish at 50[/quote]

50? i want to fuck her sweater knitting ass into oblivion

…but id probaly have to use a lot of lube

[quote]Scott M wrote:
Francis Benfatto[/quote]

Wow! He’s still got it.

And x2 on Yates’ calves! If his weight is down, it doesn’t appear to be from his calves at all.

Benefatto looks amazing!

Mclish as well. Actually, not many of the 20 -something girls in my gym look anywhere near as good -lol


[quote]AngryVader wrote:
Scott M wrote:
Francis Benfatto

Wow! He’s still got it.

And x2 on Yates’ calves! If his weight is down, it doesn’t appear to be from his calves at all.[/quote]

Well in that pic he was 250… I was surprised because stu mentioned him being so much lighter than that now. Still looking for a 2008 pic.

Well, I know folks were talking about how yates might compete again while Coleman was still Mr. O simply because he kept his weight up for a long while. I’ll see if I can dig up some of the recent pics of him. He’s certainly not as large as in the ‘250’ pics you linked to earlier, but certainly a lot bigger than most of the guys posting online complaining about what a horrible BBer he was -lol.


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Well, I know folks were talking about how yates might compete again while Coleman was still Mr. O simply because he kept his weight up for a long while. I’ll see if I can dig up some of the recent pics of him. He’s certainly not as large as in the ‘250’ pics you linked to earlier, but certainly a lot bigger than most of the guys posting online complaining about what a horrible BBer he was -lol.


Lol :wink:

That’s one thing I never understood… People can hate his physique all they want, but he accomplished far more as a bodybuilder than any other guy of his era (and most today)…