Proof that Diet Soda Causes Obesity

Katzen…I agree, but a lot of people here love to hate fat people. I see 128lb people goin on the Velocity diet lately. crazy.

[quote]IL Cazzo wrote:
Katzen…I agree, but a lot of people here love to hate fat people.[/quote]

I guess I’m too new around here to know - I’m sure you’re right. Anyway, that’s sad.

And that is freakin nuts.

Cheers to you. ~katz

[quote]IL Cazzo wrote:
I still dont know why people here hate fat people. [/quote]

I don’t hate fat people. But that doesn’t mean the person depicted in that picture isn’t fat. I am also willing to bet that the person would say, “I don’t understand why I’m fat. Must be a glandular problem.”

honestly that comic fucking suits this picture so well - i mean that woman is eating atleast 1000mg of sodium plus god knows how many empty calories … that diet coke is only going to do one thing - make that meal a bit less less enjoyable …

i think the diet coke is a mere reassurance to the individual suffering from this disorder that they are trying - theres nothing wrong with going all out on the food ONCE in a while - but you have to have balance - some people do have hormonal problems - but too many people in our society are obese - the majority of these people just have a lack of motiviation to do change -

its also sad that we as humans are so prejudice - regardless of who that person is - too many ppl look down upon obese people -

[quote]MrBman wrote:

its also sad that we as humans are so prejudice - regardless of who that person is - too many ppl look down upon obese people -


Why is it sad. Its preventable. I look down on smokers that draw on my taxes to pay for their emphasema later in life. I look down on obese people for the same reason.

well i mean were predjudice in the sense that we for the most part judge fat people as being inferior to us - not just physically bud - but mentally - we judge their abilities to perform tasks , their intelligence …

  • dont get me wrong - i dont feel a fucking ounce of pity for a fat person for being fat - fuck i dropped my body fat by 10percent in a few months - if i can do it so can they … well except for the ones with thyroid problems -

i jst think its wrong that we veiw them as being inferior to us in regards to characteristics that in no way are affected by our physical appearance …

How ever there has been a correlation demonstrated between low income households and obesity. Which could be interpreted that they aren’t smart enough (or hard working enough) to lose weight. either way I don’t want those qualities in myself, so I will turn my nose up at people who have those qualities. Thats just how I am.

And the thyroid problems? I knew a chick that was really big and she had thyroid problems, until one day she got tired of it and started working out. Now she looks amazing. I don’t believe the thyroid is that powerful.

If you look closely that kid has what looks to be a regular coke in his glass…I think it is obvious they filled the glass up with diet coke by accident, that explains everything and now I have someone to blame for the obesity epidemic!!!

Please tell me that’s photoshopped ;(

It can’t be real, can it?

I despise fat people when they decide to take it to the next level. There should be a law against certain people owning Hoverounds.

What on earth is a Hoveround?

Excellent diagram Sean

[quote]SeanT wrote:

AHahah, what a perfectly balanced meal.

wow im hooked on diet now Epimetheus.[/quote]

that’s a hoveround.

[quote]Epimetheus wrote:
I despise fat people when they decide to take it to the next level. There should be a law against certain people owning Hoverounds.[/quote]

no doubt. You’d think that when they got too fat to walk they’d figure out that something has to be done. Fatty says"Oh wait no, I’ll just figure out a way to completly eliminate exercise (except for that one finger I have to move to control the joystick. I need one of those stephen hawkin mouth joystick)"

lol so fucking true

“not with the lights on honey, i’m bulking”

[quote]MrBman wrote:
well i mean were predjudice in the sense that we for the most part judge fat people as being inferior to us - not just physically bud - but mentally - we judge their abilities to perform tasks , their intelligence …

  • dont get me wrong - i dont feel a fucking ounce of pity for a fat person for being fat - fuck i dropped my body fat by 10percent in a few months - if i can do it so can they … well except for the ones with thyroid problems -

i jst think its wrong that we veiw them as being inferior to us in regards to characteristics that in no way are affected by our physical appearance … [/quote]

Well theres reasoning for that point of view, no? In my opinion Fat people fall into a similiar category as Drug addicts or the really weak and frail etc… they all demonstrate a lack of will power to change. Even if given all the neccesary information and help changing ones habits can be impossible for some.

[quote]rbm098 wrote:
If you look closely that kid has what looks to be a regular coke in his glass…I think it is obvious they filled the glass up with diet coke by accident, that explains everything and now I have someone to blame for the obesity epidemic!!![/quote]

What is really pathetic about that picture is the audacity the kids parents have in letting their kids eat their crap. Most people KNOW what healthy eating is… but still choose to be nutritional jackasses when it comes down to eating right.

[quote]tveddy wrote:
Epimetheus wrote:
I despise fat people when they decide to take it to the next level. There should be a law against certain people owning Hoverounds.

no doubt. You’d think that when they got too fat to walk they’d figure out that something has to be done. Fatty says"Oh wait no, I’ll just figure out a way to completly eliminate exercise (except for that one finger I have to move to control the joystick. I need one of those stephen hawkin mouth joystick)"[/quote]

This was discussed in other threads and the theory was that, to those people, getting that fat is a fetish.

[quote]Brooklyyyn wrote:
MrBman wrote:

well i mean were predjudice in the sense that we for the most part judge fat people as being inferior to us - not just physically bud - but mentally - we judge their abilities to perform tasks , their intelligence …

  • dont get me wrong - i dont feel a fucking ounce of pity for a fat person for being fat - fuck i dropped my body fat by 10percent in a few months - if i can do it so can they … well except for the ones with thyroid problems -
    i jst think its wrong that we veiw them as being inferior to us in regards to characteristics that in no way are affected by our physical appearance …

Well theres reasoning for that point of view, no? In my opinion Fat people fall into a similiar category as Drug addicts or the really weak and frail etc… they all demonstrate a lack of will power to change. Even if given all the neccesary information and help changing ones habits can be impossible for some. [/quote]

exactly right, thats the annoying thing about it all, if your fat 9 times out of 10 its your own fault. If you dont want to be fat, stop eating as much do some exercise, a third of the population does not have an underactive thyroid, they have underactive legs and an overactive mouth.

Just to clarify, i do not hate fat people, just when fat people complain that they are fat.