[quote]Westclock wrote:
I think you need to stick around.
Almost none of us here are knowledgeable about female steroid usage, its simply never come up.
We have had female users in the steroid section before but most knew less than we did.
Why use formex over letro or adex ? or aromasin ? Legallity reasons ?[/quote]
Formex was something I used myself and I was only speaking from personal experience of what I felt safe to use. Formex had a very mild effect on my cardiac rhythm. I took up to the full dosage recommended for men. I was more interested in using myself as a guinea pig, within limits, to see the impact of these “forbidden for women” substances. I was curious to see the difference in both the physiological and psychological impact of these substances for male and female. From research and previous training with an amateur British bodybuilder, I learnt what is mild and safe and what not to touch. I heard of a female who used only 0.5mg of Winstrol and got facial hair.
I used the Formex as an experimental measure to minimize the side effects of coming off Anavar instantly - since reaserch told me women just needed to stop if they didn’t like the side effects. I found this not to be true in my case. The Formex only served as a milder substitute for the Anavar which in retrospect I should have tapered. Formex came into my system as a highly inferior substance for the steroid, but it tied me in nicely until my system calmed down enough for me to feel I was on the driving seat again. I began to experienced water retention and bloat even after the first dose wore out - 12hrs. [quote]
How severe is the estrogen rebound in women from short term anabolic usage ?[/quote]
It depends on many factors. Her dosage, her diet before, and I mean at least 3 months before. Her vitamin and mineral efficiency or deficiency. And her capacity for intensity - cardiac muscle strength.
Ok, at this point I feel I should share my experience since I can only speak from this place.
I didn’t take the Anavar for training purposes.
I had four years of training under my belt and was squating 100 kg for 5 reps at my best. I am 5’7" and was 60kg at the time. Due to unforeseen circumstances I could not train for 1 and a half years. At the start of the 1/2 year mark I started smoking and developed a habit. I hated it but felt powerless to stop. That was when I decided to take the drastic measure of taking Anavar: I figured it would give me the will power to stop the passive habit of smoking. It indeed worked. I was also curious to see the efficacy of this drug in an untrained and non dieted, slim person; I had lost weight and muscle in that time.
So I ran an experiment which lasted 3 weeks on like this:
Week 1 starting on day 8 of my menstrual cycle ( last day of period ): 2.5mg last thing at night.
Week 2: 2.5mg twice 10 hrs apart
Week 3: 5mg twice 10 hrs apart
I put on 10 kg in three weeks. By week 2 muscle hardness and increased strength was evident even though I was not training and not dieting, under eating but not diet foods. Week three muscles were ROCK HARD, I felt extremely SOLID, increase in power, physical and psychological. I felt extremely confident and capable. Within 2o minutes of taking my first dose at night I experienced and increase in heart beat and blood pressure. I could feel the blood flow in my neck veins, then my whole body was a pulse. It took me two hours to fall asleep. I woke up as I fell asleep; switched ON. I did not feel energized I felt empowered. I experienced INTENSITY. The effect was mostly experienced in an increased and sustained heart beat. It felt very strong and constant. I experienced myself physically “stressed”. The stress was indeed on my heart. I got used to this state of heightened power and even enjoyed it. But came week 3 at 10 mg a day I had stomach cramps and was so bloated I looked 4 months pregnant. Water retention was a fact. I learnt from experience 5 mg is my limit. Above that it creates unnecessary burden on the heart and that is where I think the whole system begins to “react” to compensate for the pressure.
The main issue was stopping suddenly at the end of my ovulation. When my period broke it was heavy bleeding and blood clots for 7-8 days - I usually bleed little and for 3 days only. That was how I knew the endocrine system was out of balance. I put on weight fast but I also lose fast only this time the weight continued to increase. Coming off so quickly and with nothing to replace both the cigarette and the steroid my metabolism was completely sluggish. My adrenal glans were down ( I tested for this ), my heart was stressed, liver toxic and cholesterol high. I had severe joint pain on my left hand, where I had previously sustained a boxing injury. I had no motivation and my serotonin levels were low. I did not feel depressed because I knew I was physically depressed, not emotionally. Emotionally I felt flat and might as well not exist. I could not lose the weight in spite of fat burners and exercise which I had started at week 3. This is where I see the major “down” factor for women; If they do not dose properly and come out properly they will gain proper fat weight, the temporary increase in strength and hardness will not compensate for a perceived loss of physique the female has worked hard to achieve and the drop in metabolic rate and heart rate will not only make it impossible to lose the weight but it will increase it as she will eat more carbs and chocolate to compensate for the lack of power and motivation.[quote]
Im not even sure of the mechanism of action in the female body that regulates the androgen levels…[/quote]
I have to think about this but I suspect it has more to do with the sudden drop in cardiac intensity and elevated blood pressure ( hence the water retention ) and the liver activity - a keto diet is important to ensure blood lipid count and insulin. I think the stress caused to the adrenal glans is what eventually deregulates the hormonal system. Also maybe because women are not used to experiencing such elevated levels of intensity and power, once off, estrogen is released in greater quantity as a soothing, downing an calming effect. But I could be completely wrong. It could also be both. This is why I think it is important to come out of your Anavar cycle at the start of the Luteal phase, when estrogen and progesterone are supposed to be naturally high.[quote]
I am woefully uneducated when it comes to female PCT, the only girl I ever knew that even bothered to use a PCT was running harder drugs with masculinizing effects and she used aromasin I believe. [/quote]
I think if you are not aiming to add pounds of lean muscle it can be done. I bet you Gina Allioti with that hardness she achieved for competition, though small in size, was Anavar well cycled. From my experience untrained and undieted, I think with nutrition and training and HGH, small 2-3 week cycles of small doses peaking at 5mg, tapering and respecting your menstrual cycle you can come off very successful. If you are a woman with difficult periods or heavy bleeding I wouldn’t even go there. If you freak out at 5lbs of water retention, don’t even go there. If you can’t control your blood sugar levels without causing insulin spikes from carbs post cycle, don’t even touch Anavar.[quote]
I had always assumed that a short, low dose would not cause significant estrogen problems in women.
Absolutely correct.
Even with my extreme experiment I have regained control of my body after seven weeks. I have lost 3kg in one week; on week 7. It has been quicker than my previous experiences with birth control steroidal pills and the deproprovera injection. That alone took me 18 months to recover from.