I did not.
Or at least not written that way.
Checking what I did write back then, it reads “Boldenone appears to be comparable to nandrolone in its potency. It lacks nandroloneÃ?¢??s advantage of being metabolically deactivated by 5a -reductase. It is only slightly estrogenic, and only after conversion to estrogen. I cannot at the moment comment on whether the effect it does produce is owed to strong binding at the AR or to effectiveness in promoting non-AR-mediated mechanisms for growth. I wouldnÃ?¢??t expect much results with less than 400 mg/week. With that dose I would expect to see some noticeable but not dramatic results by the third week. Below 200 mg/week I would expect to see essentially nothing.”
A pretty brief writeup, largely because I never wrote cycles for anyone with it unless they absolutely insisted and therefore had little practical data that I personally knew of on it. (These days I would also categorize it as a Class I due to stacking behavior reported by others.)
That certainly doesn’t say that it “should” be used at all.
It does say that below 200 mg/week you shouldn’t expect to see anything, with much less than 400 mg/week you shouldn’t expect much results, whereas at 400 mg/week you ought to notice something by the third week.
That doesn’t mean it is suitable for a 3 week cycle. Quite the contrary, it implies that you might well have to wait that long before noticing anything at all. That’s not what someone wants from a 3 week cycle, to not even notice anything until near the end.
The writeup really should have included its very long duration of action, resulting in it being impossible to have much recovery for quite some time after the last injection. Thus making it unsuitable for 3 week cycles.
The standard injectables for very brief cycles are testosterone propionate, and/or trenbolone acetate, or (rarely) Primobolan. Winstrol can also be added but isn’t a suitable base. OTS has a thread where he has experimented successfully with testosterone suspension in this application.
Masteron would I’m sure be fine too but I haven’t relied on it that way yet and don’t know anyone who has.
As you will be missing the exact 2 week point anyway, testosterone enanthate would also be fine.
If you don’t want to use testosterone and don’t want to use trenbolone, a really nice mild cycle would be Masteron with some HCG (for example 200 or 250 IU every other day.) The purpose of the HCG is to yield normal levels of testosterone during the cycle, largely for the reason of maintaining normal estrogen but also the testosterone is of course a plus in its own right.
If you wanted to use the Winstrol as well that would be fine.