Progress Is Good after 10 Weeks of 75/85% Volume Template

75/85% Volume template is pretty good considering I am don’t really do warm ups and I only lift twice a week.

This is cycle 1, week 1:

2019-08-23 FRI 531 75% C1W1D1

Bench 42.5KG 5 reps X 6 sets
Back Squat 57.5 5 reps x 5 sets

2019-08-26 MON 531 75% C1W1D2

Rack Pull 81.5 5 reps X 6 sets
Press 32.5 5 reps X 5 sets

This is middle of cycle 2 after a long break (illness and not lifting related hand injury):

[ date unknown]. 75% C2W2D1
bench 45KG 5 rep(s) x 5 set(s)
back squat 63.5KG 5 rep(s) x 4 set(s)

2019-10-24 THU 531 75% C2W2D2
mil press 32.5KG 5 rep(s) x 6 set(s)
rack pull 86KG 5 rep(s) x 6 set(s)

And this is now I finish cycle 3:

2019-11-15 FRI 531 75% C3W3D1
bench 47.5KG 5 rep(s) x 6 set(s)
back squat 65KG 5 rep(s) x4 set(s)

2019-11-18 MON 531 75% C3W3D2
mil press 35KG 5 rep(s) x 5 set(s)
rack pull 90 KG 5 rep(s) x 5 set(s)

I moved on to 85% doing sets of 3 last week:

New Training Max
mil press 46.6 to 48
rack pull 120 to 125
bench press 63.5 to 65
back squat 86.5 to 90

2019-11-25 MON 531 85% C1W1D1
mil press 41KG 3 rep(s) x 5 set(s)
rack pull 106 KG 3 rep(s) x 4 set(s)

2019-11-28 THU 531 85% C1W1D2
bench 55KG 3 rep(s) x 5 set(s)
back squat 65KG 3 rep(s) x4 set(s)

Will milk it for a cycle or two and will move on to Boring but Big :slight_smile: