Programming the Prowler

Hey Jim,

I’m on my 2nd cycle of 5/3/1 and I’m loving the simplicity yet intensive nature of the workouts, so thanks again for putting out such a great product.

I had a question about the prowler. Now that the weather has finally started to improve (I live in the Great White North where about a week ago we had only reached 10 degrees celsius…in May) I want to start using my prowler. To start I want to use it on my squat and deadlift days, but I was wondering if I should go heavy or lighter? The goal is to start using it on the upper body days as well and to alternate between heavy and light workouts (2 heavy on lower body days and 2 light on upper body days).

What do you think, would that be a good way to program it?

If anybody else can provide input as well that would be much appreciated.


In the beyond book Jim has the prowler challenge…check that out. If you do t have that book then buy it then read the section on the prowler challenge. Other than that there really isnt any programming for the prowler. Just load it up and push

In order to program a part of the program, you will have to set some kind of goal. On e you do that, then establish where you are at. After that, then you can program the next six weeks (or whatever) of your training.