I realized I have a long way to go being 22 years old and I’m ready to really buckle down and get serious about training. My first go at programming will be at a conservative ™ Bench 230,Squat 250, Press 140, Deadlift 275.
Agile 8
Box Jumps 3x5
Squat 5’s Pro–> Superset Push 50 reps total
FSL 3x5–>
Bench 5’s pro–>Superset Pull 50 Reps
FSL 3x5
Single Leg/ Abs 50 Reps will try to work them in with Jumps later on.
100 reps on pull-aparts or curl
Agile 8
Throws 10-15
Deadlift 5’s pro–>Superset with Push 50 reps
FSL 3x5 OR 5x3? →
OHP 5’s pro–>Pull 50 reps
FSL 3x5–>
Single leg or Ab 50 Reps
100 rep Facepull or Lateral Raises
On days in between I will focus on a timed mile run 100, pushups, and 50 pullups. 5 minute stretch after weights and run.
Would want to stick to this for around a 6-week cycle. Any advice will be appericated.