[quote]maxx power wrote:
I’ve been reading plenty of articles on Professional Bodybuilding and the lack of respect for the sport.
The issue is the complete lack of honesty in the “profession”.
Nobody really knows how much money these guys make.
Nobody knows how much of their income goes towards questionable supplements/enhancement drugs/hormones.
If a person was in their teens thinking, hey, i want to be a pro in one of numerous other sports, they would have a pretty good idea of what is needed to achieve this goal and what are the benefits of it.
We see pros driving big SUV’s and such, but there is a whole underground to the sport and thier lives that isnt published.
BTW, im not looking to provoke a negative article slashing the sport or ignoring that enhancements dont exist in other sports, im just trying to start good thread on the underground of the sport that isnt spoken about.
I think pro bodybuilding has had a historically “dark area” because they didn’t make much money. That meant relying on less than respectful means to get paid. That has changed greatly lately in the pro ranks when it comes to the top guys. That isn’t saying that the average pro bodybuilder is getting rich. I am just saying that they make enough now where the Mr. O and runner ups don’t even have to work other jobs anymore. To ask exactly how much they make would require simply adding up Ronnie Coleman’s guest posings, endorsements and competitions. He is clearly making a shit load. Other guys on the bottom aren’t making shit aside from IFBB contracts.
Further, anyone who would tell a kid that this is a great sport to make a career out of is retarded. Most…MOST bodybuilders won’t ever make enough from competitions to keep the lights on. That means the guys it usually attracts are those who don’t work, don’t want to work and are “ok” with doing dirty shit just so they can keep on not working and lifting weights and eating all day.
That is why the sport as a whole has no respect…it makes no real money for the average participant. therefore, the guys who usually run into it have issues to begin with.
I personally could care less if I ever compete as I have other real life goals than just jumping on stage. If I ever do, then I will make that one more thing I want to do well at. I think people who put more into than that are either personal trainers with a shitload of time on their hands, wannabe actors (who think they will be the next Arnold), or jackasses who don’t do shit all day but eat and sleep.
I look up to some physiques for my own personal goals, not because I respect every bodybuilder out there.