So I’m hoping this isn’t a totally idiotic question, but I’ve been having a problem with catching my cleans after the pull.
My problem is that after I push off from the ground, I start my pull when the bar gets above my knees (I’m hit and miss with the scoop–still working on that) and then it accelerates so fast that its up at my shoulders before I can squat under the bar. So I wind up pulling and then catching without really squating at all. When I go heavier I wind up doing about a 1/3 squat at best. I don’t know if it is a psychological thing or what.
So more background–I did actually get “trained” on cleans a little over a year ago by a trainer. This wasn’t a Olympic trained guy, but I got (I thought) the basics down. So I worked up to doing about 185 (yeah, not very much, but about my bodyweight) and I was still only doing this little tiny squat, so I went back down on weight to work on form and it just gets worse. Push, pull and the bar is up fast and I just can’t squat down to catch it. I’ve tried breaking down the movements, doing hang cleans and the like and I still for the life of me cannot squat under the bar after the pull.
I’m not doing cleans with any aspirations of being an Olympic lifter or anything, just to get stronger and because I think its fun, but I don’t want to keep doing it if I’m being a complete idiot about it. So is it necessary to actually catch in a low squat like real Olympic lifters (especially with moderate weight like I’m using)? Is it ok to catch it with a 1/4-1/3 squat? Do I need to actually fork out the money and go work with a real Olympic lift coach for a while before I keep going to the gym and looking like a moron?