just contemplating 2 week cycle. I like the idea behind it, and think that occasional 2 weekers would be a good way to break plateaus and keep gains consistent, while minimizing recovery problems and time. Ive never done steroids, trained fairly consistently since i was 18, and am now 30.
Occasional injuries have been only reasons for layoffs ( knee surgery r/t plaqua synovialis -genetic, in addition to other little injuries that i have learned from.)5’11", currently around 185. Have been 210. best lifts- 455 dead, 375 squat, 275 bench, 31 pullups, 30 dips, 185 x 24 rep bench.
For the first two weeker i am considering running either a high dose of anavar or primobolan depot with dianabol. Maybe 800 mg primobolan per week for two weeks with 20-40 mg of dianabol- morning only. Or anavar 50-60 mg with 20-40 mg of dianabol. At this high dosage, would primo still be less suppressive than testosterone??
Also, I am a newb, but i think that a high enough dose of primo could yeild some quality gains in a two week period (some good strength and maybe a few lbs of maintainable lean mass). And I have to do some homework, but I remember reading a way to dose it for a two week cycle, even though it is not a typical drug of choice for this purpose. I would even consider lowering the dbol dose.
I know i will get some flaming, but I want to avoid shutdown as much as possible. Would anavar 75 mg yield similar results in a two week span when combined with dbol? And which substance would promote an easier recovery if dbol was dosed morning only? I would prefer to stack an injectable to avoid excessive use of 17 AA drugs. I would of course prime myself for this with a heavy cycle of natural lifting to get up to where i get my strength up to an optimal level.
My goals are to gain strength, add some lean mass and maybe get a bit leaner in the process, and continue to have quality workouts naturally. PCT would be nolva or clomid. Arimidex dose dependant on dbol dose.
This is still in brainstorming mode, just want some feedback. Thx in advance for the thoughts, and any flaming will be equally appreciated and taken into consideration as well