Ran across this article that cites a study showing primo may have some unintended sideeffects. Comments?
"The study was called “Hormone replacement therapy for older men using testosterone enanthate or methenolone enanthate. (Int J Androl 2000 Jan;23(1):300-6).”
In this study 100mg per week of Primobolan was given via injection to 10 men aged 52-78 years old who were diagnosed as being low in testosterone (i.e. hypogonadal).
Testosterone enanthate was administered at the same dose and frequency to another group of hypogonadal men (n=9, aged 54-77 years old). Both groups got these doses for 8 weeks. The researchers looked body composition (measured by DEXA scan), mood (sense of well-being), sexual activity, libido, and check both groups prostates pre and post treatment… They also looked at both groups testosterone levels, estradiol (estrogen) levels, and blood cholesterol levels.
Interestingly, they didn’t find significant changes in body composition (muscle mass, bodyfat, etc) in either group. More important perhaps, the group receiving the Primobolan reported a significant decrease in sexual activity and libido, and an increase in prostate size at the end of the study period, with a 73% decrease in serum estradiol relative to baseline.
Four weeks after the last dose, everything went back to Normal however, showing at least the effect was reversible. Things went much better for the testosterone group, as they had an increase in sexual activity and libido with no adverse effects found on any of the tested parameters. The researchers concluded that testosterone was clearly a superior choice for HRT in men with low testosterone levels, which really should come as no surprise to people.
Of course this study does not answer all questions, was not a large study (though there are others), was low dose, and only ran 8 weeks, but it does show that testosterone is not the big bad boogie man steroid the media would like us to believe it is and clearly has therapeutic uses for men.