Here’s a question for the Prime Time guys, and anyone else with some helpful information.
A friend of mine recently gave birth to a baby boy. He’s about 3 months old, and was just diagnosed with severe asthma. The doctors say that he is also allergic to the baby formula they were feeding him, and have recommended that he be given a soy-milk substitute.
Now, we’ve all heard how bad soy milk is for the adult population, so giving it to 3 month old babies is freaking me out.
My friend and her husband are not very knowledgeable about nutrition, and haven’t thought twice about the doctor’s recommendation. The doctor, as usual, has not explained to them WHY soy-milk should be used or what exactly in the formula is causing the allergic reactions, but has told them that testing for allergies should not be done at such a young age.
I know quite a bit about nutrition, but infant nutrition is something I’m not willing to touch with a 10 foot pole.
What should the baby be fed instead? Is soy milk even bad for infants?
So hopefully I can rely on the T-Nation gods, and all the intelligent forum members to help me out. Or more importantly, help a 3 month old baby boy. WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!?!