Just looking for some suggestions on books that pertain to the above title. I’ve been getting into prepping a little…not the build a bomb shelter type, just enough to survive a natural disaster or something like that.
Just looking for some suggestions on books that pertain to the above title. I’ve been getting into prepping a little…not the build a bomb shelter type, just enough to survive a natural disaster or something like that.
US Army Survival Manual
I think you would need/want a book dealing with your specific region, and the specific disasters you might encounter. Tsunami, tornado, blizzard, hurricanes?
Some people get a bit crazy with the prepping and forgot to actually live, but i find some of basic level stuff to be interesting. IE. figuring out a water supply, food storage, protecting your family and things from marauders
SAS Survival Guide
How to Survive Anything, Anywhere: A Handbook of Survival Skills for Every Scenario and Enviroment
I break prepping down to the three basic areas: beans, bullets, band aids. The titles below reflect those broad areas.
A Failure of Civility
Dare to Prepare
The Encyclopedia of Country Living
The Survival Medicine Handbook
Where There Is No Dentist
These books are a good foundation.