Hey t-people,
Kind of in a dillema here. I’m currently bulking, up 2 lbs (about 2/3 of it lean, i think!). Here’s my dillema: I’m pretty much going to be a “weekend warrior” for the next 2 weeks, due to the fact that i’ll be traveling overseas. Also, i will have absolutely NO control over my diet, seeing as the people i’ll be staying with will set the menu. There are no gyms in the area, either. 3 questions:
Should i continue to bulk?
Are there any ways to minimize fat gain on the trip, since diet is not under my control?
On an unrelated question, is 2 lbs in 2 weeks pretty good for massive eating protocal with little cheating? (1 or 2 meals a week to remain sain)?
I’m really small(5’10", 152 lbs, 12% bf), and diet is currently at about 2200 cals for the day, 1.5 grams of protein per lean lb of mass, the rest divided between fats and carbs.