Pre/peri WO nutrition

Someone let me know if this is optimized

-micro PA - 1g once per week on my lagging body part (yes I have old stock)
-60min indigo 3, 3 caps
-45min finibar
-20min liquid pump
-15min 1/2 serving plazma (yes I have some old stock )
Peri - drink 1.5 servings plazma
+30min 1 serving mag10

Seems excessive… Try Surge or MAG 10

I have indigo and micro pa left over.

Liquid pump is newly added and I really liked the half serving.
Everything else is a normal workout regimen and gains have been pretty ridiculous.

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I stacked Surge with MAG 10… meh

Sounds like it’s going well!

What you’re doing looks to be the “all-in” recommendation. Do you feel good? Like not too full/ too much liquid/ etc?

Food/Liquid volume is no problem as I’m usually starving before I start this regimen.

I feel great throughout the workout.

Looking to add a little more liquid pump on next WO.

30-60 min weights .
20-25 min cardio afterwards
Could be a few 30sec rowing sessions and/or treadmill walking (HR at 110-115)

I’m mainly looking at the timing of everything but if there is something else I can add that is a glaring mistake I’m
interested to hear thoughts and opinions

I’m looking to trim a little fat and hold my weight at 225 right now.

I’m a little soft, probably close to 11-12%.

Wanting to get down to 9 or 10 and be in good cardio shape for hiking and a half marathon with my wife.
She loves running and I do everything except that, lol