Please Rate my Pre/Peri/Post-Workout Routine!

Hey guys, could y’all give me some feedback regarding my pre/peri/post workout nutrition routine? Just as some background, I’m 190 lbs, 6’2", 11% bodyfat, looking to bulk.

Pre: Finibar, 4 caps Indigo-3G, 1 dose Micro-PA (About 60 minutes prior to workout)

Peri: 65 g Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin, 12-15 g Casein Hydrosylate, 5 g Creatine Monohydrate, 5 g Glutamine

Post: 1/2 cup (dry measure) white rice: ~80 g Carbs, with 1.5 scoops Whey Protein Isolate: ~ 35 g Protein

If you haven’t already, you might want to also post this on the Biotest forums.

If you are already buying Biotest, look into Plazma. For peri.

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Well, I’ve kinda been trying to replace Plazma with my own HBCD and CH, since they’re a little cheaper to individually source.

Then, drop the Micro-PA.

This is the way:

1 scoop Plazma

More money, two scoops.

More money, depends on your goal.

I love the Finibar, but if money is an issue, Plazma and Indigo-3G is rock solid.

Out of curiosity, why drop the Micro-PA?

Only if money is a concern. If not, then by all means, use it.

It’s just that Plazma is on top of the list. Should always be on top.