Pre-Contest Diet

How does this pre-contest diet sound. Competition is my 1st and is 4 months out. Currently 6’3", 225 around 12%bf. 1st 1.5 months (Prot 50%, 340g), (Carbs 30%, 204g), (Fat 20%, 60g). Too low carbs gives me problems in bed and I dont lose fat too well. 6 meals per day, 1st and 3rd meals 9 oz. precooked Chicken and sweet potato w/8 fish oil capsules. 2nd and 4th 6 scoops EAS Simply Protein, added maltodextrin or sweet potato and 6 fish oil capsules. last 2 chicken w/ broccoli and 8 fish caps. Next 1.5 months 50%prot, 20% carbs (1st 3 meals from Sweet Potato’s) and 30% fat from fish oil caps. Then last month Bev Int type diet of 50%prot, 30%fat and 10%carbs from veggies. High carb meal every 3rd and 4th day. Any feedback GREATLY appreciated. Cardio starting 4x week, 20min interval training and reg split routine for lifting.

In order to make your contest you will need to lose more than 1 lb per week, assuming no muscle loss. You will likely lose more than that per week to begin with, and less later on. If you haven’t lost 10 lbs halfway through your diet, you probably won’t make it in time.