Powerlifting-Weightlifting Conjugation

Does anyone know a program that trains the big 3 and oly lifts at the same time? I just heard from a friend about a “strongman” event near our town within a few months wherein there are 6 lifts you need to complete and total - snatch, clean and press, clean and jerk, squat, bench, & DL. Me and some of my friends are interested in joining. The closest I can find is Westside because of its ME and DE days, and I’m guessing that sort of training can help with my strength and dunking goals.

don’t know your training age/status but maybe just do a taper program, I would try out just a basic weightlifting program with benching a few times a week and deadlifts a few times a week and just taper up until the week before, deload for a week and then competition.

imo good way, cuz you will train the squat after snatching/cleaning and the pull is trained w/ the lifts and you should be fine with that.

You get 3 attempts at a 1RM in each of 6 lifts in one day? Fuck that.

[quote]rmccart1 wrote:
You get 3 attempts at a 1RM in each of 6 lifts in one day? Fuck that.[/quote]

probably will suck like hell if he can snatch and clean a lot.

You’d need an ambulance at the end of the meet.

[quote]rmccart1 wrote:
You’d need an ambulance at the end of the meet.[/quote]

well, mikhail Koklyaev did something almost similar… clean and jerk, deadlift, front squat, muscle snatch…

You could probably do a modified westside program - Rotate your strongman moves in for ME day along with Sq/Bench DL. Something like this:

DEB - Rotate Speed Benching/Jerk/OH Press
MES - Rotate Snatch/Squat/DL/Clean (no press, save for bench days)
MEB - Bench Variations/OH press variations
DES - Speed Squat and Speed DL/Snatch/Clean

Normal principles apply: ME days workup to max, DE days use approx. 50% of max.

There is a guy in my gym who competes in strongman and uses something similar to this.

PM if you have questions

[quote]rmccart1 wrote:
You get 3 attempts at a 1RM in each of 6 lifts in one day? Fuck that.[/quote]

Actually, it’s a 3-day thing. 2 lifts a day. We’re competing in the “Novice” division. Kinda wierd IMO.

[quote]georgeb wrote:
You could probably do a modified westside program - Rotate your strongman moves in for ME day along with Sq/Bench DL. Something like this:

DEB - Rotate Speed Benching/Jerk/OH Press
MES - Rotate Snatch/Squat/DL/Clean (no press, save for bench days)
MEB - Bench Variations/OH press variations
DES - Speed Squat and Speed DL/Snatch/Clean

Normal principles apply: ME days workup to max, DE days use approx. 50% of max.

There is a guy in my gym who competes in strongman and uses something similar to this.

PM if you have questions[/quote]

I was actually thinking of getting a WS4SB III template like this:

MEB: OHP/Bench
DES: Snactch/CnJ
MES: Squat/DL

Or I could go fully Westside:

MEB: OHP/Bench
DES: Speed Squat/Snatch
DEB: CnJ/Speed Bench
MES: Squat/DL

There’s actually a competition like that here called the super total. :slight_smile:

  1. squat
  2. snatch
  3. bench press
  4. clean and jerk
  5. deadlift

This year’s winner did 280 kg squat, 160 kg snatch, 180 kg bench, 210 clean and jerk and 300 kg deadlift at the body weight of 114 kg.

Cool. Ours is a little different though. They call it “Strong Man” and the order is:

  1. Snatch
  2. Squat
  3. Clean and Press
  4. Bench
  5. Clean and Jerk
  6. Deadlift

No gear, no straps, no belt, no wraps. Just you, your clothes and the weight.

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
Does anyone know a program that trains the big 3 and oly lifts at the same time? I just heard from a friend about a “strongman” event near our town within a few months wherein there are 6 lifts you need to complete and total - snatch, clean and press, clean and jerk, squat, bench, & DL. Me and some of my friends are interested in joining. The closest I can find is Westside because of its ME and DE days, and I’m guessing that sort of training can help with my strength and dunking goals.[/quote]

I posted about this a month or two ago I think. I would do

Bench press
Clean n jerk
other movements

shoulder press (Optional really If your shoulders are sore DON’T do this.)
other movements

Bench Press
box squat
other movements.

I found normal squatting after C&jing was much easier then when I was doing it after I snatched. I happen to love box squats for strength gaining. IF this sounds bad to some people I’m sorry but it wored for me for a few months before I switched it up. If I where to do a 4 day sort of deal I would do:

calf raise

Bench press
Shoulder press
upper body pull of some sort.

2-3 sets of each olympic lift
box squats
calf press
lay off the fluff on Thursdays

same as tuesday

Just something to chew on. I’m deffinately not a professional or anything.

I dont know how much specific training you would need to do for anything besides the bench press. If you can full clean a lot, then you ought to be able to front squat what you clean and likewise, squat what you front squat. Same goes for the jerk/OH press and the deadlift. Obviously there are some technical differences, but I dont think that if you are already proficient in these lifts as far as your technique goes, that you would need to spend any more time on them besides for keeping you fresh as far as execution goes.

I would base your training around the O-lifts since they are the most technique intensive and then use the back squat, deadlift, and OHP as assistance movements. Bench is a different story since it doesnt directly correlate with any of the O-lifts. Am I making any sense here or am I just rambling?

I would put Jerks from the rack into my cycle of ME lifts for Bench.

I would put cleans and snatches into my cycle of ME lifts for Squat/DL

I would get my conditioning level up in order to handle a meet with 5 lifts. So after I maxed out for the day I would still do singles, doubles, and triples with 95% of my Max just to get in the volume.

If I couldn’t snatch more than 135 I might do them as a DE Squat/Deadlift move.

Welcome to T-Nation.

I see your thinking, but as far as squats go, I don’t think it would be good to relegate it to assistance work. Most people like me can back squat more than they front squat, and they can front squat more than they clean. This is because the ways you perform them all and their movements are different from each other, so neglecting maximum effort on back squats isn’t that good an idea. The same can apply to deadlifts.

Cleaning is different from jerking, so jerks have to be trained as much as cleans. However, OHP would be a good assistance for both the jerk and the bench.

[quote]autodiadect wrote:
I dont know how much specific training you would need to do for anything besides the bench press. If you can full clean a lot, then you ought to be able to front squat what you clean and likewise, squat what you front squat. Same goes for the jerk/OH press and the deadlift. Obviously there are some technical differences, but I dont think that if you are already proficient in these lifts as far as your technique goes, that you would need to spend any more time on them besides for keeping you fresh as far as execution goes.

I would base your training around the O-lifts since they are the most technique intensive and then use the back squat, deadlift, and OHP as assistance movements. Bench is a different story since it doesnt directly correlate with any of the O-lifts. Am I making any sense here or am I just rambling?[/quote]

that was kind of what I was trying to say in my first post. You will nail two/three birds with one stone if you work the o-lifts, as you get the squatting in and the lifts.


Day 1:
Clean and Jerk
Press from Rack
Back Squat

Day 2:
Snatch + OHS
Clean and Jerk
Bench Press
Back Squat

Day 3:
Snatch (light)
Clean and Jerk (light)
Back Squat
Clean and Press

or something similar and periodize it.

speaking of which how is your technique with the olifts?

and by the way, some people clean more then they front squat… aka Kolecki, hence why he bounces all the time in the bottom of a clean.

[quote]FightingScott wrote:
I would put Jerks from the rack into my cycle of ME lifts for Bench.

I would put cleans and snatches into my cycle of ME lifts for Squat/DL

I would get my conditioning level up in order to handle a meet with 5 lifts. So after I maxed out for the day I would still do singles, doubles, and triples with 95% of my Max just to get in the volume.

If I couldn’t snatch more than 135 I might do them as a DE Squat/Deadlift move. [/quote]

jerks are NOT an upperbody movement! They are a full body movement as is all the other olympiclifts.

IMO I would ditch the Westside idea for this, but that is just me.

One idea would be if you could train twice a day to divide training into oly lifts and the power lifts. No idea would it work but in theory it makes sense in my own little world. :stuck_out_tongue:

Something like

monday 1 light oly: clean and jerk, jerk
monday 2 heavy power lifts: power clean, bench, squat

wednesday 1 heavy oly lifts: clean and jerk, snatch, front squat
wednesday 2 light power lifts: high pull, military press, power shrugs

friday 1 medium power lifts: squat, bench, dl
friday 2 medium oly lifts: hang clean and jerk, hang snatch

Just an idea, I have no idea how this would work with two barbell workouts. I only have experience with barbell early in the day and kettlebells in the evening and I liked it. Guess it might? Any thoughts?

The Olympic lifting program CT’s Black Book of Training Secrets is laid out around the idea that I talked about earlier… one day a week devoted to each the olympic lifts and then a 4th day for other movements. Out of respect for CT, Im not going to post it here, but you can get the e-book off of his website I think. You could work it out. As far as back squats being only an assistance movement, well…youre going to be squatting in some way shape or form 3 times a week already with the olympic lifts, I dont think it would be ideal to throw in a 4th day of much heavier back squats to go with it. There will be far too much going on in this program to use Westside’s speed and ME days. You will be doing the O lifts so I dont think that you will really need to dedicate full days to speed training as with the O lifts, if you arent lifting fast, you arent lifting.

[quote]romanaz wrote:
rmccart1 wrote:
You’d need an ambulance at the end of the meet.

well, mikhail Koklyaev did something almost similar… clean and jerk, deadlift, front squat, muscle snatch…


Misha is a beast, and is exempt from any discussion of normal humans.

That said, I’d also recommend going with a oly template and adding in the bench and strict overhead work. The pull will take care of itself with all the cleaning and snatching, and it’s not tough to work into an OLY template. You’ll also be squatting regularly, so that should be fine as well.