Powerlifting Log

I am after a 1059 lb. total (elite), at 132. My current total is about 715, but finally moving in the right direction again. If I could just sleep at night, I would probably be at a much higher total.

DE Bench Press: Monday, 7/21/08

speed bench-8x3@60%

pin lockouts-135x5,185x5,225x5

pushdowns, fat bar-4x12

BB row: 95x10, 115x10, 115x10

BB curl: 3x10

foam roll/stretch

ME Squat/deadlift: Teusday, 7/22/08

Cambered bar, arch back, bent leg, Goodmorning from pin 12-barx6, 95x3, 135x3, 185x3, 225x1, (add 1 chain/side, belt on 2 notches loose) 225x3(2 chains per side)225x1, 245x1, 275x1, 295x1(PR)

Leg press: 2x20

45% hypers w/cambered bar: 3x10

ab roller: 3x12

pulldowns: 3x8-10

foam roll/stretch

Ass Day: today

20 min. incline walking

hip adductor/abductor thing: 3x10-15 for both

Dimel Deads: 1x20

45% hyper: 1x20

decline sit ups: 1x20

external/internal shoulder rotation: 3x10-15 for both

In case you havent noticed, im following a Westside template.

What are your current lifts maxes…?

Good luck with your quest to elite, i am on my way to elite at 181lb raw before i move up weight classes and start lifting geared.

I havent maxed out in a while, but last time I did, it was: squat-275, bench-145, deadlift-300. I was stalled pretty bad for a while due to 2 adductor magnus tears, but am finally getting back to 100%.

I’m pretty much in the same boat as you, just a lot lighter. Its actually getting hard to keep my weight down(I’m only 17, so I’m still growing), so Ive been considering just maintaining more around 155 instead of 140 and just competing 148.

The elite total isnt much more, but I kinda have this crazy idea of having elite status in the 132, 148, 165, 181, and 198. Then I want to start competing geared and total elite in the 220 and 242 with an eventual goal of a 2500+ total.

Todays trainging

ME Bench Press:

Floor Press: barx10, 65x5, 85x3, 95x3, 115x3, 135x3, 145x1, 155x1(PR), 185x0, 185x0, 185x0

Pullups: 5x5

Schwabs: 3x10

Side Raises: 3x12

Hammer Curl: 3x10

Note: My car broke down today wich resulted in a 1 hour bike ride with all my gym shit, and work clothes in a back pack. I was pretty worn out, and I still had a good training session today. I know 185 will be there next time, and looking back I should have just dropped down to 175 for a 25lbs. PR. O well.

Yesterday was Dynamic Effort Squat/Deadlift.

Box Squat: 12x2x45%+2 chains/side. I spent a lot more time than I should have on these, but I got a lot of help on some form issues I had. I now understand spreading the floor/keeping your knees out, and air into your belly. Also, I was unracking the bar with my head down with out even realizing it. My speed sets felt much more explosive, especially from the bottom.

Speed Deadlift: 6x1x45%+4 chains

I didnt have time for reverse hypers, side bends, and some other ab work. I will do these today.

DE Bench: Monday, 7/28/08

Speed Bench: warm-ups, 6x3x65%(95), 115x3, 135x4(PR)
Rack Lockouts: 135x5, 205x5, 245x4(PR)
Rope pushdown: 4x12
BB Row: 4x8-10
EZ bar curl: 3x8-10

Had a new orange spike in me and a real good breakfast and was really feeling good. I have been taking rhodiola rhosea for the past week, and definitely feel it is helping me deal with lack of sleep, and working a lot more.

looks like ur bench needs the most work, what do u do for it? u dont need rack lockouts is u bench raw, focus on shoulder and tricep strength after u do FROM bench work

Bignate-Yes, my bench sucks. The reason I did the rack lockouts is mainly for triceps, I use a close grip. I have had some rediculous pain in my shoulders, traps, and neck that have made any pressing movements very difficult. I have been stretching a hell of a lot lately and am starting to get back to normal.

Do you have any specific excercises for triceps/shoulders that you see a big carryover to your bench. Thanks for the tips.

I do standing militaries for shoulders, skull crushers, extensions, weighted dips, close grip bench or even close grip incline is nice too, but mostly just benching, i used to do 8 singles or so of maximum weight now im on a high rep phase so its different im looking to hit 225x10 but singles, doubles and triples are nice

thanks. I think I will start adding some real light military presses back in during my de-load week coming up and see how my shoulder feels with them. To be honest, I havent done any heavy overhead pressing since before my last meet, in May. This is why I posted this log though, because its a lot easier for people to see if it looks like I’m doing (or not doing) something stupid. This is just a good reminder that I’m just not putting in the right kind of effort for a big bench. Thanks again.

UPS should be here any minute with my new briefs, which will hopefully help relieve some hip/groin pain untill I’m 100% again. Also, I love vaniilla Metabolic Drive, especially blended with cottage cheese and pumpkin. Mmmhhhhh.

ME Squat/Deadlift: Tuesday, 7/29/08

Full Squat, competition stance: barx10, 105x5, 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 255x1, 285x1(PR), 325x1 (PR!)

Goodmorning: 3x10x145 or 155

45% back raise: 3x25, paused for 3-4 sec. at top

Ab roller: 4x12-15

Pulldowns: 4x8-10

My ass/hammy felt great with the briefs on. I’m extremely happy with this pr, and am now going for 405 lbs. If I squated 405, deadlifted 420, and benched 235 I would total elite in the Raw division. I honestly liked ipa a lot though, Gene Rychlak is a beast.

ur bench could be so much higher for the total to make it easier, so could ur deadlift if u think ull squat that much

Yea, I was just playing around with numbers. I actually have a deadlift max of 350, but lost a ton of strength when I couldnt train much. So, if I got to a 375 lb. squat, 425 deadlift, and benched 260, that would also get me there. I don’t see my bench being much more than 200 in the 132 class though. My stroke is way too long even with an excellent arch. I will say that I need to really work on my leg drive though. I think if I got the timing just right on that I would probably bech about 15-20 lbs. more now.

im 6’4’’ and 240, but my arms are also really long, which means u just need to compensate with speed, i think im going to hit a 315 bench relatively soon at 17 yrs old, so i think anything is doable.

Good point, thanks for the advice.

ME Bench Press: Thursday, 7/31/08

2 board press w/2 chains per side: 2x10xbar, 65x3, 85x3, 95x3, 115x3, 135x1, 155x0(couldnt lock it out). I then dropped the chains, dropped the 2 board, and took 160 for a ride.

My setup was very tight, and I kept my air. I took it down under control but pretty fast, paused for a second on my chest, and pressed it up to about the half-way point before I stalled.

Ive never missed a press at this point, and am pretty sure I could have locked it out if my triceps werent worn out so much. I’m pretty happy with this though.

pullups: 6x4-6xme

tate press on incline: 4x8-10

cable up row press out: 4x8-15 (these are great, and Ive never felt my shoulder work so hard. I’m going to pay tommarow)

Bench is finally going up. Thank god for heavy metal and ammonia.

DE Squat/Deadlift: Friday, 8/1/08

Box squat(about 1 inch below parallel) 5x2x145, then 5x2x145+2chains/side.

Speed Pulls(alternating sumo/conv.): 5x1x150, 2x1x150+2 chains, 3x1x150+4 chains

Dimel Deadlifts: 4x25x135

Side bends: 4x8-12 (got 110 for 7 on the last set for a pr).

Leg Raise: 3x12

Neck work: 2x15 rear, 2x15 on each side

This workout went very well. I did a bunch of warm up stuff and a few light sets of box squats until I got to 145. 145 FLEW UP! I would say it had to be about 25% faster than last week with 135. This is about an inch or two lower than I normally squat too. When I added the chains I got it even faster. This is my second time using chains and they really force you to explode at the bottom, all the way throught the lift. I’m still getting used to sumo pulls, and decided to pull conventional too today. Sumos went faster than last week, but conventionals were insane. It felt like air. I’m going to max out on deads tuesday, and feel a big PR coming. Dimel Deadlifts are insanely effective at making your ass/hamstring region scream. These are definitely insane.

what are dimel deads?

http://asp.elitefts.com/qa/default.asp?qid=33919&tid=102 Dimel Deadlifts


20 minutes on treadmill, inline 10/speed 4

1 hour stretching/foam rolling

My shoulder is killing me, but I think a lot of it is just soreness from thursday. Stretching for at least an hour a day, sometimes more, is helping me a lot with various pains that I’ve had. As much as stretching blows, I really need to keep doing this. Also, Ive been sleeping much better. For some reason I’m extremely groggy/tired in the morning though. If I go do something for a while (go for a fast walk, ride my bike, stetch, etc.) that works up a good sweat I wake up a bit more. If I dont do anything though I feel like complete crap up until about 3-5 pm. This never happened until I lost weight, and my doctor basically has no idea why it would happen. Fuck.