Powerlifting Log

Max Effort Squat/Deadlift: Monday, 8/4/08

Sumo Deadlift: 2x135x10, 185x3, 205x3, 225x3, 275x2, 315x0,0,0,0

Goodmorning: 2x10

Cable Abs: 2x10

I cut this workout short. I just didnt have anything today, and depending on how I feel wednesday, I might deload this week instead of next week. I think I just fucked up by having 2 lower body days back to back, but had to change some stuff because of work/travel this week.

I am definetly deloading this week. I will probably only have 2 workouts; the on I already did, and one on thursday. This will work well because I have a graduation party in NY, and it will be a lot easier than trying to find a place to train. I’m pretty sick today too, and I think thats why my lifting sucked so bad yesterday.

do u honestly think ur overtrained?

I think so. I guess theres no way to tell for sure, but it is extremely rare for me to get sick( about 2 times a year). Usually when I start feeling run down like this I just push through until when my deload is planned, or just skip it. It is always in my 3rd week of a training cycle that I get injured too. Also, not only did I lift like shit on monday, but I just didnt really care to lift. This is extremely rare for me. I think I just need to listen to my body and my instincts for once, and let my self heal up for a week.

hmmm, could need more sleep i actually dont belive in overtraining (i used to wrkout 7 days a week) and was still gaining but everyone is different.

I just needed to take it easy, for a week. I disagree about no overtraining. I have terrible recovery, especially with calories never really above maintenance.

ME Bench Press: 8/7/08, thursday

Reverse light band bench: worked up to a reasonably hard set of 3.

Rolling tricep extension: 2x10

cable up row press out: 2x10

standing db row: 2x10

reverse curl: 2x10

DE Squat/Deadlift: 8/8/08, Friday

Box Squat: 6x2x155

Deadlift: 6x1x185 (3 sumo, 3 conv.)

Back raise against doubled mini band: 3x10

Side Bends: 90x10, 100x8, 120x4 (grip gave out)

Hanging Leg raise: 3x12 against a mini band.

Calf raise: 2x20

DE Bench Press: 8/10/08, Sunday

Speed Bench: 8x3x85+micro minis

Pin Lockout: 135x5, 225x5, 245x3

T-bar Row: 45x10, 70x10, 90x12

DB shoulder press, nuetral grip: 2x10

Tricep Pushdown: 4x12

Good workout. No PRs, but everything felt good.

ME Squat/Deadlift: 8/11/08, Monday

Reverse light band deadlift: worked up to 335x1, then missed 365 about 3/4 of the way up. I think 350 will be happen by september.

Band pull through: light bandx10, light bandx10, light+mini bandx10

Back Raise sit ups: 3x10x10lbs. behind head

ME Bench Press: 8/14/08, thursday

3-board press: barx20, 65x3, 85x3, 95x3, 105x3, 115x3, 125x3, 135x3, 145x3, 155x1, 175x1, 185x0

Pullups: bwx10, bwx10, bwx8

Rolling Tricep Extension w/micro mini band: 3x8-10

cable up row press out: 3x12-15

Hammer Curl: 3x12

DE Squat/Deadlift:

Low Box Squat: 8x2x125+mini-bands, 1x2x145+mini-bands, 1x2x195+mini-bands

Speed Pulls(switched between sumo/conv.)

8x1x155(pulled against doubled mini bands), 1x2x225(against minis), 1x1x245(against minis)

Dimel Deadlift: 3x25x135

Cable Side Bends: 3x8-12

Leg Raise supersetted with Ab wheel: 3x8-10 of each

I also did this thing where you double up a light band, sit on a low box, and force your knees out to help me get better and stronger at forcing my knees apart while squatting.

DE Bench Press: 8/17/08, Sunday

Speed Bench: 8x3x80+doubled micro mini bands, 1x1x115+mm, 1x1x135+mm

4-board: 2x5x135, 1x1x185

DB Press: 2x12x55, 1x6x60

Standing DB Row: 1x12x60, 2x12x65

I then supersetted band pushdowns and rear delt raises for about 15 sets each.

ME Squat/Deadlift: 8/19/08, Tuesday

Cambered bar box squat, parallel box: barx10, barx10, 95x3, 135x3, 155x3, 185x3, 205x3, 225x3, 245x1, 275x1, 295x1, 315x0, 325x0, 2x295x1

Band Pullthrough: purplex15, purple+minix15, 2x2 purplesx12

Single Leg Press: 3x20-25

Lat pulldown: 3x8-10

Standing Cable Abs: 5x15

ME Bench Press: 8/21/08, Thursday

3-board press: barx15, 65x3, 80x3, 95x3, 105x3, 115x3, 125x3, 135x3, 155x3(PR), 165x1, 175x1, 185x1(PR)

Rollin Extensions: 5x6-10 w/mini band around back

BB Shoulder Press, med. grip: barx15, 3x8-12x65

Pullups: 3x6-8

Biceps: 1x25

Presses were done with a medium grip up until I got to singles, then went to a pinky on the ring grip for the last sets. I usually go as wide as index on the rings, but feel this is a main factor for my shit hole shoulders. Haveing shit hole shoulders at 17 is not good if I want to do this as long as I plan. I can always go wider in competition, but need to bring the grip in while training.

DE Squat/Deadlift: 8/22/08

Box Squat (1-2’’ below parallel) 10x2x145+light bands choked around 2 boards on each side.

Speed Pulls: 10x1x155+mini band (swithed between sumo/conv)

Reverse Hyper: 3x15x60

Side Abs using cable: 4x12

Ab Wheel supersetted with hanging leg raises: 4x15/4x8

DE Bench Press: 8/24/08, Sundsy


DE Bench Press: 7x3x95 paused at the chest, 2x85+micro minix3 paused at chest.

4 board press: 95x5, 135x3, 185x3(PR)

DB Press: 55x15(PR), 60x7,7(PR)

Standing DB Row: 60x10, 60x10, 75x10(PR)

Rope Pushdown: 4x12

(Also worked in 5x20 mini band pull aparts in between sets on the rows and pushdowns)

This was the best training session I’ve ever had, period. I didnt feel like shit this morning unlike every morning for about the last 6-7 years. I am estatic about this.

I dont know why this happened, but I just told myself that I just dont give a flying fuck what I feel like in the morning, training needs to be perfect this week before I deload if I’m gonna perform at my best in my meet. Holy shit am I happy, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

Also, I finally decided that I am going to join the airforce. I need to better myself, and working 40 hours a week at world market just isnt the way to do it.

ME Squat/Deadlift: 8/25/08, Monday

Free Squat: worked up to a conservative 3 rep max (235x3), which was actually a PR. I did a lot of sets of 5 with 145, and 195. This was just to make sure my ass/hammy was good to go. It was, and for the first time in a long time I’m feeling extremely confident in all aspects of my life.

Deadlift, conventional: again, worked up to a conservative 3 rep max (295x3) which was also a PR. I tried 315 for a triple, but strained harder than I would have liked.

It still went up without any stalling, but I just left it at a single instead of trying to go for 3. I am very happy I made this decision. Theres no sense in killing myself, or risking injury this close to the meet.

Band Pullthrough: purplex12, 2 purplesx3x12

Sinle Leg Press: 2x25 (I was able to use 25lbs. more per leg, this was a PR

Sit up with feet anchored under powerrack: 4x12

*I worked in 7x20 mini band pull aparts in between the leg press/sit up sets.

My openers for the squat/deadlift will be 235/295. I will work up to a conservative 3 rep max on the flat bench with my comp. grip tommarow to find out my bench opener. I am thinking about 145-150, but we will see.

Today: Ass Day (restoration/recovery)

20 min. incline walking on treadmill

45% back raise: 2x15

Decline situp: 2x12

leg extension: 1x15

1 hour of foam rolling, stretching(static/dynamic), and mobility work.

ME Bench Press: 8/27/08, Wednesday


Flat Bench: barx15, 65x5, 95x3, 95x3, 115x3, 115x3, 135x1, 145x1, 155x1(went up pretty fast, no stickin or stallin), 160x0

Pullups: x8,x8,x7,x7,x4,x3,x5

Rollin extensions with mini band: 25x10, 30x10, 30x10, 35x8, 40x4

Hammer Curl: 27.5x12, 30x10, 30x10

(I worked in 5x20 mini band pull aparts, I moved my grip in a bit to make them harder)

It took me a long time to get my back/shoulder warmed up. O well. My posture and upper back tightness in the bench press have improved quite a bit since adding the pullaparts. My mind is still loving training, but my body says no more. A good deep tissue massage, maybe a trip to the chiropractor, and a deload week are exactly what the doctor called for. I need to gain about 100 lbs. to get my bench were I want it, lol. Fuck being small. After this meet I’m going to go up to 165 then 181. I’m going to be about 181 at about the same body fat I am now when I get out of the military.

Just ate a big ass bbq dinner at famous daves. mmmhhhhh. Also, I cant really tell if I liked the mini Spike or not. Root beer Surge is gross.

DE Squat/Deadlift: 8/29/08, Friday


Box Squat, parallel: 145+purple bands, 10x2, 1x2x205+purple band

Speed Pulls: 5x1x155+doubled minis

RH: 4x8-12

Side Abs, cable: 4x10

Ab roller/leg raise superset: 3x15/8-15

*worked in 5x20 mini band pull aparts. I cant believe the difference these are making. I didnt realize how damn weak my upper back is. Many PR’s are to come. My 205 squat felt and looked like a damn speed squat.

My form felt very solid on all the reps except the last one on the 205 set, when my weight shifted forward. I corrected quickly and didnt let my knees go in, but it still wasnt perfect.

I cut back on deads because I feel very solid on form, and dont feel like anything I do in the next week will do anything positive for my meet. I am very happy with this last training cycle, and have learned A LOT.

Sunday: 8/31/08, Upper body assistance

DB Bench, nuetral grip w/pause on chest: 5x4-12

DB Row: 3x10

Front Raise w/ back against wall: 3x8-12

Rope Pushdowns: 4x12

Decline Hammer Machine: 2x12

I worked in 7x20 mini band pullaparts.

This is a deload workout. Basically, just no DE work, and no failure on assistance excercises.

Monday, 9/1/08: Squat/deadlift assistance

All of the gyms were closed in town, so I went to a school playground with my gym bag and had some fun. I did pullups with various grips on the monkey bars, followed by goodmornings with 2 light bands. Then I got my gym bag, filled it with whatever heavy shit I could find in my car/around the playground, and zercher lunged with it up stairs/across the basketball court.

Then, I did zercher step ups untill my back went numb and I couldnt feel my legs. I followed this with bw squats to failure(15-25). I did this as a circuit for 3 reps. It felt good to be outdoors while training and it was fun to do this kind of training since I havent done it in so long. Haveing the barbell out of my hands and off of my back might be the best thing for me. I’m looking forward to the meet, and since it’s on my birthday my dad used some extra holiday in points to get me a hotel to stay in.

Oh yea, this is the first time I’ve been able to do lunges with more than my body weight since may. Thats awsome.