Powerlifting Coaches in Northern NJ

Anyone know of any good coaches (or gyms where i could find them) in the northern NJ area? Any help would be appreciated.

Check out strong and shapely in Rutherford. Don’t let the name fool you.

Cameron Gardner is a pro strongman who actually trains strongmen, olymipic lifters and powerlifters at Strong & Shapely. That is the best gym in North Jersey. Give him a call.

Thanks for everything guys.

Also Henri Skiba in Carteret and John Bott (not sure where in Jersey) … and yeah, Cam is great

[quote]KBCThird wrote:
Also Henri Skiba in Carteret and John Bott (not sure where in Jersey) … and yeah, Cam is great[/quote]

Ditto on John Bott. He is one of the original Westside guys from way back. One hell of a nice guy. I think he is right outside of NYC, just barely into Jersey.

Skiba has a hole-in-the-wall private gym with an amazing amount of equipment. Also a very nice guy.

PM me for Skiba’s email.

I only have John’s cell #, and I’m not going to post that here…LOL. You can sometimes find him at the EFS site.

Tell either of them that Shawn Lattimer sent you.

Isn’t DeFranco in Jersey?