I just got my powerdrive in the mail.Any special way of taking this or is the ‘recommended use’ on the back label good enough?
Try club soda or some sort of carbonated beverage. Works like a charm.
I was wondering if anyone knows how long the effects of power drive last?
That is if i were to take it for focusing at work for example. How long would a morning dose last me to?
definately works better with the club soda, although it does work quite well with water.
Double dose it in club soda for a full blast of focal power. I took the physical agility test for my Police Department on a cocktail of Power Drive and old formula MD-6. It was indoors, hot and humid as hell, and recruits dropped off like flies. I breezed through everything pretty easily. Good stuff.
i like to drink it with another stimulant drink like red bull or rock star.
don’t drink it with a soda or pop. Club Soda does the exact OPPOSITE to your stomach that soda/pop does. Club Soda brings your stomach to a more neutral pH, which allows the ingredients to be assimilated faster and more efficiently. Pop/Soda has a pH of about 2.5 or so, which will severely lower your stomach pH level. Granted, your stomach is already at a low pH due to the HCl it produces, but Club Soda can temporarily increase the pH.
It was mentioned in another thread a week or so ago that the club soda is basic (higher pH) and helps to get the acidity of the stomach to a more neutral pH for better absorption.
I cant find club soda anywhere in the stores here, maybe us brits call it something else but i wanna know i can get club before i get powerdrive cos i wanna stop using ECA for workout intensity and focus… do you need to cycle powerdrive?
I don’t think Power Drive works better with club soda, but it works FASTER. That’s the difference.
Also, I don’t about where you live, but when I get club soda I have to go to the wine section of the grocery store where they sell mixers, margarita mix, tonic water and things like that. I’ve never seen it in the soft drink section.
in the soft drinks section in my local grocery there’s a mixer section that has indian tonic water, soda water, tonic water, ginger ale and bitter lemon… kinda crappy i know maybe one of those would work as club soda
You can always use something else that will lower the acidity of the stomach like a 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) mixed in a glass of water for the same effect.
And TEK makes a a great point on where to locate the club soda in your local grocery.
I know its a French product, but Perrier works well too.
Perrier is for queers!
Ok, pop/soda has a pH or 2.5-4, and club soda is around 5. I’m assuming the added phosphoric acid makes the difference vs. just the carbonic acid. Club soda is still acidic though. If the goal is to temporarily achieve a neutral stomach pH, wouldn’t an antacid do the trick?
NOTE TO SELF: Do not mix powerdrive with red bull in a shaker bottle with a closed lid. I will now finish cleaning the above mixture off my ceiling.