Powerdrive questions

Hello all. Just got my PD to Israel, cost me 37$ total, so I figured I’ll squeeze anything I can from it…

I want to make the effect last longer and was thinking about taking it on a full/half full stomach to slow absorption.

good idea?
any tricks?



Its hard to tell with supplements that affect (or claim to affect) neurological function and such.

Personally, I work out in the morning and the first thing I do when I wake up is eat a banana, prepare for my workout and basically dick around for a bit, then right before I leave for the gym (anywhere from 20-45 minutes after eating my banana) I take 1 serving of Powerdrive.

You just gotta experiment with it and see if you notice any differences.

you only got one? damn… when I order it again I’m getting like 10. =) Good stuff though, I’ve only had one container before so I didn’t really experiment with making it last long, but it will last for a whole workout I know that.

Are you taking it with club soda?

Ike:I will if it helps…

StevenF:Yes, only one. no money!! if it will be good more will follow though.

chrismcl:Its hard to experiment with on container… thanks for your answer.


Read just about any Charles Staley article, he will explain the club soda/Powerdrive combination. (The EDT Arm Mesocycle was the first article he introduced it in, I believe.)

Take it on an empty stomach with a cup of coffee or green tea.

I also find that 2 servings with 1 capsule of MD6 works super well one hour before training.

Mike Mahler

I like 2 servings with 400 mg of caffeine. Works like a champ.

The directions say to take it on an empty stomach.
Taking it with food may limit its effectiveness since neurotransmitter precursors like choline and tyrosine will have to compete with other amino acids and nutrients for transport across the blood/brain barrier.

I like taking 2 scoops w/ 200mg caffeine (optional) with club soda 30 to 45 mins before an intense workout. Your pre-workout meal is also very important. If possible, trying eating a P+F meal such as steak and eggs, which are rich in important neurotransmitter amino acids. I usually do this 90 miinutes before my Power Drive.

It’s also a good idea to check your blood pressure as tyrosine may cause an initial rise.

The following is a caution from the Life Ext. Foundation regarding the use of tyrosine (and phenylalanine). Something to keep in mind but, not get overly concerned about unless one has a pre-existing condition.

“Cancer patients should avoid taking L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine. Certain cancers, such as melanoma, depend on these amino acids to fuel their growth. Supplemental use of L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine may raise or normalize blood pressure. Insomnia may occur from overstimulation if taken too close to bedtime.”

In response I like to take 1 scoop 30 minutes prior to excersize with club soda, followed 15 minutes later by 200mg caffiene and 20mg ephedrine. About the cancer, the only reason to take phenylalanine is so it can convert itself into phenylethylamine, an endogenous neuroamine. You can simply take phenylethylamine before excersize. It is hard to get ahold of but you can find places. Don’t take it if you are inhibiting monoamine oxidase. If you are desperate, eat a Hersheys bar.