Powerdiet follies

starting weight 245

Preworkout breakfast
3/4 lb salmon 250

Protein powder (w water) 150

Second breakfast
7 fried eggs 700
4 bacon 164

7 turkey sandwhiches with mustard (white bread)2100
8 ounces of beet stock 90

Embarrassing snacking
390 scooby snacks

2 turkey sandwich w/mustard 600
Chicken nuggets 700
Ketchup 100

5030 total calories (too much power)

8 sets of 2 (3 plates) hatfield squats
Was going for ten sets, but on 9th set, i barely got first rep…So i went down for second rep, because Pain does not exist in the dojo

*At this point i did not make the rep and sat at bottom pondering dumping the weight as i couldnt see the safety bars( the SSB punishes you for not having an upright back, so i was not about to look down).

I decided to ride the bitch down, so i got to practice neck strength as i let the bar try to break my neck on the way down. It was a pleasant diversion*

Next time, i will set safeties in correct position

Immediately after, i took my protein and went for a twenty minute fast paced walk


Great that you started.
Couple things to work on
1- Be consistent. Try to log every day. Even on non workout days. This will build good habits you can use going forward.
2- Start logging macros of food you eat. This will go a long way in seeing trend.
Are you using apps like chronometer or myfitnesspal? If not they are great tools.
Below is how I do my log daily for the food piece. For the most part I eat the same things daily so it’s pretty much copy/paste but it’s easy to make changes. Doing it this way gives us a quick snapshot. If the info is not easily seen it’s really hard to get a sense of whats going on.
Weight 202.8lbs
Meal1- 4whole eggs/1 slice no fat cheese/6 slices turkey bacon
Meal2- 8oz roast beef/2 cheese sticks/carrots
Meal3- 4oz chicken breast/1c rice/1c broccoli
Meal4- shake post WO
Meal5- 8oz turkey meatballs/100g egg noodles
Meal6- Shake

I can go back to my fitness pal to track macros.

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Ok. I have edited first post to include macros. Looks like an even split, which probably isnt great

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Better than most. At least your getting enough protien in. Good start.
Just keep being consistent with the log. Once we see your habits for few weeks we can help dial things in toward your goals.

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3/2/25 weight 248

Meal 1: 3 black cofee, 6 fried egg, 5 bacon
25 min brisk walk

Workout: Bench 245 10 sets of 2

Tri pressdown 30 2 setsx25 reps only got 19 on third set

Curls 35lb alternating db curl 3 setsx 12 reps

Lunch: 4 turkey sandwiches w mustard
Walk 40.mins
Meal 3: beet stock (drink)
Meal 4: 11 chicken nuggets, 2 turkey sandwiches w/mustard, 5 chocolate chip cookies…(Shame)
Walk 10 mins brisk pace

Total calories4497

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This isn’t a critique, but more a curiosity: with the amount of sandwiches you consume, how many loaves of bread do you purchase/make per week?

Welll. I dont usually eat sandwiches. My wife alerted me to the fact that she bought deli meat for me and i hadnt eaten it. So here we are

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I like putting it in omeletes. Or the old fashioned cheese and pickle roll ups, haha.

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Why not 1 huge sandwich(2 slices of bread) and then eat the rest of the meat on it’s own? Small “clean ups” like this can go a long way.


3/3 start weight 246

Meal 1: 8 eggs, 4 bacon

Workout 1
Deadlift 425 3x5

Post workout meal: Protein powder
Meal 2: 3 ounces baby carrots 6 ounces baby spinach
Meal 3: 6 ounces chicken breast, 4 oz herring, 2 oz smoked oyster, 2 oz baked beans

Workout 2
10 sets 5 reps wide grip pullups
5 sers of 25 reps.facepulls 30 pounds ( plus band and chain)

Meal 4: 3 oz squash, 3 chicken legs baked (16 oz), 2 turkey sandwich
Snack: scoobie snacks, poptarts

Total calories 3811


Big meals for big weights


I am only on day three of this diet, and I feel like a starving ethiopian. I have begun staring at the limbs of small children hungrily.

I just caught a lizard and ate it whole.
My senses are heightened. i feel like I soon will be able to see in the dark

3/4/25 starting weight 248

Meal 1: 1 lb hamburger meat
Meal 2: 2 oz carrot, 6 oz baby spinach, 6 oz chicken breast, 4 oz alaskan salmon, 2oz smoked oysters

Low bar squats 3 plates 10x2

Post workout protein
Meal 3: 1lb hambuger meat
Snacks: two packs of poptats and can of baked beans

***Total calories 3951 ***


3/5/25 starting weight 248

Meal 1: 12 oz hamburger meat

5x5 Press (andy baker week 1) 115

Postworkout protein
Meal 2: baby spinach, baby carrots
Meal 3: 12 oz Cat fish nuggets, 1 cup rice, 1 oz corn, 6 oz hamburger meat

Total calories 2282


3/6/25 starting weight 245

meal 1: 6 oz hamburger meat, 2 oz catfish, 1/2 cup rice

Snack: banana

Meal 2: chciken breast, oysters, herring

Total calories 754

I assure you this isnt a purposeful cut diet. I either have the stomach flu or food poisoning. Shortly after lunch, stomach hurt and then i crashed at like four pm freezing. Then woke up at 9pm burning up and threw up and diarrhea.

May have to skip morning workout, which will really piss me off


3/7/25 Starting weight 240

Meal 1: 10 nutterbutter cookies. (Thought they would be easy on stomach) Threw them up

Meal 2
Biotest superfood shake

2 pedialites, a little water

Total calories 760

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3/8/25 starting weight 241(have somewhat rehydrated)

Meal 1: gatorade, 2 bacon, 4 eggs
Meal 2: 2 turkey sandwich
Meal 3: 2 turkey sandwich
Gatorade, Pedialyte
Meal 4: peanut butter crackers

Total calories 2428

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I’m glad you’re starting to feel better and keeping some food down. Take it slow, keep hydrating, and rest lots!

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I appreciate it. I feel tons better. But i have been on the throne most of the day…