Hello CT,
is it acceptable or proper technique in a power clean to catch the bar with feet that moved sideways?
My deadlift stance and power clean initial pull stance are around shoulder width, a pretty normal stance. However, when I catch the barbell in the powerclean with heavier weights my feet automatically move side ways and I catch the weight in a more wide stance position.
I assume this is because of my relative bad ankle flexibility. I front squat also with a wider stance than I do deadlifts. I began doing this because I looked for a way to get quicker under the bar. With a wider stance, it’s easier to get under the bar when you can’t pull it higher.
I know in a power clean you jump with the weight upwards and not sideways. I would say I do that correct but instead of landing in the same feet position I started to move my feet outwards.
Did I began doing something bad here?
Best wishes to all