Postural Assessment Opportunity

Mike Robertson and I are hard at work on a comprehensive postural assessment/correction article. As part of the article, we’ll be having some case studies that depict each postural abnormality. If anyone feels that their posture is particularly off the mark (especially those with related injuries) and would be interested in having their faceless bodies critiqued for all of T-Nation, please contact Mike or I via PM. We’ll pass along the specifics then.



Eric (and Mike) – I’m really looking forward to the article!

Shucks, If you guys lived in Hawaii, we could trade advice on how to fix postural problems. I am a Rolfer by trade, and personal trainer too. In fact I have been using so ideas form Mike’s article to help some of my clients with the turtle neck syndrome.

yup, me too, can’t wait for it.

Hmmm… I bet you could find a few things wrong with me, and I’m only like 20 minutes away from you!

Thinking… thinking…

This is a great idea/topic that doesn’t get covered often enough. So many people should benefit from this.

Thanks to everyone who has “enlisted” thus far; we’re still open to volunteers, though.

And, thanks for all this enthusiasm!

Just bumping this up in case anyone else is interested. We’ve got a few, but could still use a couple more.
