I’m betting that TheGatekeeper and mojo_ are the same person.
I almost wish we had nominal prospect back.
These new trolls have zero talent.
I like Bonez
In other news, lets all give a waaaaarm welcome to Oleena.
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
I almost wish we had nominal prospect back.
These new trolls have zero talent. [/quote]
Damn that guy was entertaining.
Kept it up for a long time too.
‘‘I believe Ronnie Coleman has a good grasp of bodybuilding principles, but he chooses to express himself in a non-intellectual way’’
Good times, good stuff.
[quote]TheGatekeeper wrote:
Wow i never realized how many people on this forum have their period. Who cares if you have pics or not, most people dont have time to spend their whole life on a fucking forum. And everyone who sais pics or your a troll, your just so worried about how shitty you look that you have to clog up someones post whos looking for advice so people dont give them info. So someones respected on a TNation forum? wow great leave your computer and see how much respect they have in real life. Have any of you ever won MR.O? or even anything close for that matter? So stop acting like your some cult of amazing bodybuilders when most of you have piece of shit bodies that look like a 5 year old was in charge of your form on a lift because your so unsymettrical.[/quote]
Looks good bro, keep up the heavy lifting. Lets see the wheels. Stats?
[quote]Bigfoot833 wrote:
I’m betting that TheGatekeeper and mojo_ are the same person.[/quote]
You have an optimistic outlook on the extent of stupidity on the internet.
this whole “what works for some wont work for others” thing is being drastically emphasized too much. You look at any big muscular guy and hes guaranteed to be moving a fuckload of weight when he trains and eat a great deal of food to have gotten there.
This IS one of the more talented trolls on here, so don’t hold your breath.
All that hunting on SAMA and WHO know Oleena would resurface on the BB forum lol.
Well played, Ole. But you’re wasting your skills on this crowd. PX even thought you were paying him a compliment lol.
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
I almost wish we had nominal prospect back.
These new trolls have zero talent. [/quote]
[quote]tribunaldude wrote:
This IS one of the more talented trolls on here, so don’t hold your breath.
All that hunting on SAMA and WHO know Oleena would resurface on the BB forum lol.
Well played, Ole. But you’re wasting your skills on this crowd. PX even thought you were paying him a compliment lol.
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
I almost wish we had nominal prospect back.
These new trolls have zero talent. [/quote]
actually, while reading ole’s writing and argument style, I do see the same pattern.
oleena isnt a real person =(
good intuition TD
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
[quote]tribunaldude wrote:
This IS one of the more talented trolls on here, so don’t hold your breath.
All that hunting on SAMA and WHO know Oleena would resurface on the BB forum lol.
Well played, Ole. But you’re wasting your skills on this crowd. PX even thought you were paying him a compliment lol.
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
I almost wish we had nominal prospect back.
These new trolls have zero talent. [/quote]
actually, while reading ole’s writing and argument style, I do see the same pattern.
oleena isnt a real person =(
good intuition TD[/quote]
She recently started a thread on one of her female “co-workers” having 3.1% bodyfat:
When Imhungry said her avatar pic was similar to the shots of her co-worker, Oleena quickly changed her avatar.
I’m also convinced that she was the Cobrakai idiot behind this little gem:
Oleena just isn’t very good at handling multiple identities: she claimed to only have one account, but boasted on another thread that she still posted under a different username on SAMA, which was how I made the connection between her and Cobrakai: he posted a lot on SAMA and defended Oleena during an argument over Channing Tatum (don’t ask!).
When she turned up on Cobrakai’s thread to agree with him, I called her out with the evidence. She then announced on her log that she wouldn’t be posting for a while because she had to study for an exam (how convenient!). Not long after, the troll twins TheGatekeeper and Mojo turn up…
Do the admins ban multiple accounts using the same IP (excluding educational institutions, the military, etc.)?
I am also inclined to say Liberal_skinhead and Ken St.Mich (or whatever that toolbox’s name is) are also the above mentioned peanut butter masturbater.
[quote]Rational Gaze wrote:
Do the admins ban multiple accounts using the same IP (excluding educational institutions, the military, etc.)?[/quote]
They banned Slimthugger for it. However, there are ways around getting caught out with IP addresses (I won’t go into specifics in case the trolls are watching). They usually give themselves away in time, anyway.
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
I am also inclined to say Liberal_skinhead and Ken St.Mich (or whatever that toolbox’s name is) are also the above mentioned peanut butter masturbater.
Oleena was Beefyboy as well. I’m not sure if she is responsible for the Slimthugger/ JamesRose666 troll network, though.
[quote]TheGatekeeper wrote:
So someones respected on a TNation forum? wow great leave your computer and see how much respect they have in real life.[/quote]
Almost every well respected member of this community is also well respected in real life. I guarantee that the members of this community who display good character, intelligence, and drive, do so in their daily lives as well.
A person’s true character shines through no matter what forum or media they are using.
[quote]duffyj2 wrote:
[quote]Bigfoot833 wrote:
I’m betting that TheGatekeeper and mojo_ are the same person.[/quote]
You have an optimistic outlook on the extent of stupidity on the internet.[/quote]
Haha no, far from optimistic, just that mojo_ backed up TheGatekeeper pretty quickly, which reminds me of yet more multiple trolling accounts. Also the writing style is kinda similar.
Way to drop the wisdom bro.
[quote]roybot wrote:
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
[quote]tribunaldude wrote:
This IS one of the more talented trolls on here, so don’t hold your breath.
All that hunting on SAMA and WHO know Oleena would resurface on the BB forum lol.
Well played, Ole. But you’re wasting your skills on this crowd. PX even thought you were paying him a compliment lol.
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
I almost wish we had nominal prospect back.
These new trolls have zero talent. [/quote]
actually, while reading ole’s writing and argument style, I do see the same pattern.
oleena isnt a real person =(
good intuition TD[/quote]
She recently started a thread on one of her female “co-workers” having 3.1% bodyfat:
When Imhungry said her avatar pic was similar to the shots of her co-worker, Oleena quickly changed her avatar.
I’m also convinced that she was the Cobrakai idiot behind this little gem:
Oleena just isn’t very good at handling multiple identities: she claimed to only have one account, but boasted on another thread that she still posted under a different username on SAMA, which was how I made the connection between her and Cobrakai: he posted a lot on SAMA and defended Oleena during an argument over Channing Tatum (don’t ask!).
When she turned up on Cobrakai’s thread to agree with him, I called her out with the evidence. She then announced on her log that she wouldn’t be posting for a while because she had to study for an exam (how convenient!). Not long after, the troll twins TheGatekeeper and Mojo turn up…[/quote]
lol, cobrakai “sounds” exactly like ole to me. And that girl in those pics looks alot like her as well. I remember lurking on both of those threads…good stuff on exposing people rb!