Poster of the Week!

Now that the new site is up and running, we’ve decided it’s time to resume our “Poster of the Week.” For those new to the site, the “Poster of the Week” is a person that we recognize as being helpful and making positive contributions here on the T-Nation forums.

Each Wednesday we’ll be awarding either a Biotest supplement or T-Nation shirt to the person that’s selected. You can also make suggestions as to who you feel deserves the honor of “POW” and we’ll take them into consideration when we make our final decision.

This weeks lucky winner is TShaw! To show our appreciation, we’re sending him some Grow! Thanks, TShaw!

I am chagrined, as I had just been suggesting to Chris Shugart via email that there was a viable candidate for Poster of the Week, and I didn’t mean ME.

With any luck, this thread will be replaced soon with a thread that names one of the many people who contributes much more to the life and good health of the T-Forums.

If not, thanks for the Grow!

Congrats, TShaw!


Congrats and dont sell your worth to the T-nation short. You deserve it.

Good to see the Poster of the Week back in general as well.


TShaw, congratulations!!!

Over 300 positive and helpful posts has got to be worth something! Nice to see your efforts and contributions have been recognized. It’s people like you that make T-Nation the incredible resource it is.

Very well deserved. Enjoy your tub o’ Grow! (grin)

im new so i thought “poster of the week” was a picture of halle berry or somepin’

gj tshaw

Kudos from some of the thoughtful posters who always provide good reading material! I’m grateful for the kind words.

But I’ve got to tell this story: I emailed Shugart from the blue, suggesting that I thought there was a standout candidate recently for PotW, if Chris wanted to revive it. Within 1-2 hours of that email, I had received the PM from the T-Mods telling me that I was PotW! Can you imagine why I thought there was an error?

I’m told that–wonder of wonders–the T-Mods had decided on their own to revive PotW; they’d drawn up a list of candidates; my name was on it.

A freakish coincidence, you must admit.

Thanks for the kind words, and MANY thanks for the Grow!