Post workout supp

I’m trying to get this damn postworkout shake down. 40gms hydrolysate, 40gms dextrose, 40gms maltodextrin, 15gms bcaas and 10gms glutamine peptides. i added some sugar free koolaid and this didnt help so i added some mint extract and that helps when i plug my nose. what the heck do you guys do to flavour it? im looking at whats left and im like…im gonna puke. ive got to go and brush my teeth…can i chase it with water?

This is exactly why I’m waiting on the Biotest product. I’m sure Tim will make it taste great since he’s picky about flavoring. Or at least it’ll taste as good as possible given the ingredients. I can drink anything, but some of you guys are talking about wanting to puke. Either you’re being sissies (I doubt that) or your homemade versions are NASTY!

I got my ingredient today and I chocked down my first batch. Fuck is that ever disgusting. I’m betting that nuclear waste is better tasting. Even with two table spoons of cocoa and a decent amount of mint extract it tasted like shit. I nearly pucked it up but I resited because that be a huge waste of money. My powder got stopped at the border and they decided to charge me and ups extra fifty bucks, thanks assholes! Anyways the results were cool but I used 30h, 30d, 30m, 13g and 10b. I’m gonna look for some fenugreek extract tommorow so I can get even better results. I didn’t get a pump or a noticble sweat, but I did get tunnel vision, heated torso and increased heart rate. As for taste I’m going to try lemon juice and other fruity flavors tommorow but it’s going to be torture…

Home brews are VERY NASTY. Here is what I do. I only have a very limited amount of the post-workout prototype. So it’s all mine (not even my girlfriend gets any). And I’ll tell you, it tastes awesome! I actually crave it on non-training days. Anyway, I have the raw materials sittin around so I have something to mix up for my girlfriend’s post workout drink. What I do for her is mix the stuff in with cranberry juice (her favorite drink). The carbs get screwed up that way so you have to adjust the malto and dextrose quantites down. Im sure this method is not the best way from a physiologic standpoint but if you cant stand your own mix, this might get you by until Biotest releases the PW formula. Let me know if this works for you.

well so much for that…i threw it all up and im not going to replace it with another one.