Post Workout Shake

Yes, I know all about Surge and such, just on a Uni student’s budget I really cannot afford it in Canada and would rather use my money on other biotest supps. But my question which I could use clarification on is, with the introduction of Surge, it appears that we are now using only 50g of carbs and 35g of protein (roughly). Now, since I cannot afford Surge, should I still use these amounts of dextrose and whey? Or should I increase the amounts to double that considering I don’t have the amino blend that Surge requires to be so effective at small doses of dextrose and whey compared to what was traditionally recommended before its introduction? In other words, just plain dextrose and whey… 50g/35g or 100g/70g, respectively, for post workout? Cheers!

Why not skip some of the other Biotest products and use the Surge? If I could only afford one supplement, Surge would be the one!