DON’T FLAME ME!! I know this may be way off, but anywho. As a post workout shake, could I get results from 12oz Coca-Cola mixed w/ 25gr whey protein (vanilla of course) and 10 grams of creatine. Heres my (warped?) logic. Coke for an inulin spike. Its also carbonated which I was thinking may help settle the acid in the stomach for better creatine absorption; so less creatine becomes creatinine. whey to help supply aminos to the muscles. If I’m off base let me know, but what if it works? POST WORKOUT COKE FLOAT! OH YEAH!
Should work fine. My post workout shake is whey & creatine w/GatorAde. Only problem might be that whey in Cola foams up badly. Don’t know about about the other effects of carbonation.
I’m gonna try it tonight. I’ll post whether or not I puke or get diarhea! LOL! I’ll also let you know how the taste was.
Keep in mind that calories in Coke come principally from high-fructose corn syrup. Fructose is neither high-glycemic (for an insulin surge), nor particularly desirable for a bodybuilder, as there is a high correlation with body fat deposition. However, you can’t really know just how high the fructose content is. I remember that Dan Duchaine mentioned that high-fructose corn syrup could contain anywhere from 1 to 100% fructose. One thing that I will occasionally buy for post-workout use is a box of fat-free brownies–which get their calories from sucrose and flour. Entemanns is the brand I use. To me, that’s likely tastier than your float, and definitely tastier than maltodextrin. You can probably find something similar, like Snackwells cookies, if brownies don’t “float your boat” (bad pun…). An English muffin with grape jelly is also good for post-workout.
I don’t know about benefits or effects, but I like to mix a serving of grow with 16 oz of diet root beer.
I once mixed Grow! with a slightly carbonated liquid similar to gatorade and it exploded out of my shaker all over the locker room floor. Since then I’ve stuck to regular gatorade or Safeway’s store brand. Coke or root beer would be a disaster, however, it sure would taste good.
I read that carbonated drinks, e.g drinks with carbon dioxide bubbles,cause a halt in protein absorption. Say if you eat a steak and have a carbonated drink, it will still be sitting in your stomach the next day.
I forgot to mention before that Coke is mildly acidic, so it won’t “help settle the acid in the stomach.” (Trivia note: Coca-Cola is used as an externally applied contraceptive in the 3rd-world because of its acidic pH.) Probably not a big deal either way. I’ve never heard of Alex’s notion of carbonation stopping protein digestion.
Asked Protein Factory for the best method of masking the taste of hydro protein and BCAA’s and he suggested lemon juice or soda.