Source offers primo, eq, and injectable winny. What would be the best way to run this? I could get 4000mg of eq, 3000mg of primo, and 2000mg of the winny. I already have adequete pct needs covered. Any takers? Thanks
Lay a cycle out for us with week by week dosages, and we will critique it.
Well, if it were me, I’d try this.
Week one:
EQ front, 1,000mg
Primo, 350
Week 2:
EQ, 500mg
Primo, 350
Week 3:
EQ, 500mg
Primo, 350
EQ, 500mg
Primo, 350
EQ, 500mg
Primo, 350
Winny, 400
EQ, 500mg
Primo, 350
Winny, 400
EQ, 500mg
Primo, 350,
Winny, 400
Primo, 350
Winny, 400
All shots would be split up, don’t know if i should go with ed, or eod with winny shots. Have enough adex to run throughout cycle, clomid and hcg for pct. Source now also offers Sust, which i’m not crazy about, but could run a good mass stack with sust and eq, no dbol though. Any ideas?
I would say alter your EQ regimen so that your last EQ inject is in week 5. This will simplify recovery as EQ has a very long half life. If mass is your goal then incorparating test might be a good idea. EQ and Test is a popular and effective stack. If sustanon is all you have access to, run it at 500+mg with a frontload for the first 5-6 weeks, then discontinue to allow for clearance. If you could get a shorter acting test, that would be better. Continue using your shorter acting drugs (winny, primo) to the end of the cycle as planned, then begin PCT. If using test, definetly an antiestrogen should be on hand. If you dont incorparate test however, you might not need to use it.
Generally more frequent injections are better as a more stable blood concentration is better. You can get away with E0D injects of winny depot, some people even go longer, but if it was my cycle i would opt for ED. Even something like sustanon should be injected ED or at least EOD to take advantage of the shorter acting components.
I’m looking to do it as more of a cut than bulk cycle, so I’m thinking I would be better running w/o the sust. Any other ideas?
Then you would likely exclude the sustanon as it is a bit of a water retainer. Sustanon has really fallen out of my favor lately as it is too long acting and this poses difficulties for successful short cycles. If you could get your hands on some propionate (ideal) or enanthate/cypionate then test could be included.
If you decide against test, include proviron or masteron (even a HCG protocol) to avoid any potential sexual side effects. The structure of the cycle seems good to me, with the adjustment to your EQ dosing.
Okay, so I am down to this. Can either run cycle as already outlined with changes, or sub in the sust for the eq. Would front at 1000mg, then 500 for the next 7 weeks. Still run winny and primo like above. I’m currently 212lbs at 13%bf, looking to get to 205 or under at 5-6%bf. Which one is going to help do this the best? Thanks as always
Okay, I’m pretty set on this unless someone objects or has a better idea.
Sust front at 1,000
Sust @500
Sust @500
Sust @500
Winny 100mgeod
Winny 100mgeod
Sust @500
Winny 100mgeod
Week 8
primo at 400mg
winny 100mgeod
Week 9
primo at400mg
winny 100mgeod
week 10
primo at 400mg
winny 100mgeod
Will run a-dex throughout, hcg on weekends every 3rd week. Going to keep diet clean, low carbs, high pro and fat. Also going to try 1 hr cardio per day to cut some fat. Whatyathink??
wheres the PCT?
You may also want to try taking the Winstrol orally instead. Instead of injecting 100mg EOD, just drink 50mg ED.
This may also help with adding size, because when the Winstrol passes through the liver for deactivation, it’s suppossed to increase your body’s IGF-1, which should aid in your gains.
This will also keep you from having to stick yourself EOD, which can be a pain in the ass, literally.
[quote]AlwayzTry’n wrote:
…this will also keep you from having to stick yourself EOD, which can be a pain in the ass, literally.[/quote]
Nah, nothing is more refreshing than sticking yourself with some steel… plus, it won’t put pressure on your liver. I was even going to go as far as suggest that you do ED injections with your Winny, at 50mg per. You will find that it will be easier to balance the chemical levels in your body. Remember, Winny has NO ester. Good luck
Oh, and ditto DA. Where’s your PCT? Spend as much time, if not more, constructing your PCT than the cycle itself. Good luck.
Sorry for not yet posting pct, but this is what i had been thinking…
weeks 5-10 of cycle, 500iu hcg every weekend
weeks 7-10, 30 mg noval ed
weeks 11-13, 500u hcg, monday/friday
20mg nova, 50mg clomid ed
weeks 14-16, 20mg nova, 50mg clomid ed
Done! I have a-dex on hand for during cycle, but will not use unless needed. I think this is a pretty simple protocol. So here it is, cycle complete. Any other ideas/comments/critisism? Thanks again
yes, use the damn arimidex from the beginning. without it the extra weight is water bloat that you will lose right away after the cycle. also you indicated that reducing fat is part of your goals and on this alone i would advise the use of the arimidex as estrogen usually makes you more likely to gain fat.
[quote]AlwayzTry’n wrote:
You may also want to try taking the Winstrol orally instead. Instead of injecting 100mg EOD, just drink 50mg ED.
This may also help with adding size, because when the Winstrol passes through the liver for deactivation, it’s suppossed to increase your body’s IGF-1, which should aid in your gains.
This will also keep you from having to stick yourself EOD, which can be a pain in the ass, literally.[/quote]
i definately agree with drinking of the winny, but the more optimal would be twice a day about 12 hours apart. if taken once, i believe that at night is the best since it supports muscle growth through lowering catabolism versus a more anabolic steroid like boldenone or nandrolone which are more toward hypertropy, though some other anabolics like testosterone act in both manners.
it is true that there is an increase in IGF1, but this persists only two weeks. so an option with winny is to use it for two weeks and then switch to dbol or anavar for 2 weeks and then back to winny for two weeks. test, nandrolone and boldenone stack well, each with its own inherent side effects, the mildest of which is the boldenone, then test (but only if taken with arimidex and nolva or letrozole alone) and then nandrolone. this compound can activate progesterone receptors in higher doses, so it may be one time to take winny for longer than two weeks, up to 6 and if you really wanna push it some say 8, i prefer a month or less through and this would make deca useless, so npp is a better option and take your anti-e.
Is hcg really necessary here? I know it can be used but just don’t see why it definitely has to be. Nolva/clomid seem like they would do just fine.