Im 6’5", 225lbs, around 15% BF. My first cycle was 16 weeks of 600mg EQ. I had some good results with it…gained muscle, cut some fat, got faster and stronger. I play rugby so I want to gear my cycle to performance gains. If I gain some mass thats fine but its important that it doesn’t slow me down. It’s going to be a little while before I can start my second cycle but here is what I’m planning on doing:
1-17 Test E 500mg/wk
1-16 EQ 600mg/wk
3-19 HCG 2x250iu/wk
adex??? how much? when to start? how long to take it?
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Should I add some Winny in there at the beginning or end maybe? Any other suggestions or critiques are welcome.
Thats a long cycle. Why not do a 10-12 week cycle and frontload both the test and EQ?
Adex is usually dosed .25mg per day or EOD…ish. That’s a personal thing, as well as how legitimate your adex is (it could be underdosed from a research lab.) Most people start adex from week one, but I just recently saw bonez suggest starting it at week two, which kinda makes sense for long esters of test.
As for PCT, looks good, just make sure you wait two weeks for your T levels to drop to normal physiological levels.
From everything I’ve seen you need to run EQ at least 14weeks. I ran it once for 14 weeks with Test E at about those dosages and went from 6’3" 230 to 255 in that time. Maybe cut it a few weeks shorter but otherwise that looks solid to me.
I recall reading somewhere that EQ is best used when for longer than 12 weeks, ie 14 weeks or so.
If you frontload the EQ, you can run it for as long or as short as you want. I would throw some Dbol or Tbol in there before winstrol, JMO.
wks 1-8 500mg TE/week Frontload shot~800mg
wks 1-7 600mg EQ/week Frontload shot=1.1g
wks 1-8 0.25mg Adex EOD
wks 9 0.25 Adex E3D
wks 10 0.125 Adex E3D
Wks 10-14 SERM PCT
Adjust adex as needed. Keep in the HcG if you like, dose is fine. If you want to be strict on water retention up the adex to 0.5mg/EOD starting out and ajust from there.
Thanks for the advice. I like the idea of frontloading the EQ but I heard that frontloading Test isn’t beneficial. So what do you think of this?
1-15 Test E 500mg/wk
1-14 EQ 600mg/wk (1.2g 1st 2 weeks)
1-15 Adex .25mg eod
3-17 HCG 250iu 2x/wk
16 0.25 Adex E3D
17 0.125 Adex E3D
[quote]GymJones wrote:
Thanks for the advice. I like the idea of frontloading the EQ but I heard that frontloading Test isn’t beneficial. So what do you think of this?
No offense, but that makes ZERO sense. If you dont “believe” in frontloading dont do it. If you understand that frontloading is making more drug available to the aq layer of the body, increasing plasma levels and allowing for a quicker buildup of drug, then do it for both drugs. Frontloading test E IS beneficial, why the hell wouldnt it be! I don’t like long cycles, but if you are not worried about recovery, it looks fine.
[quote]Detroitlionsbaby wrote:
No offense, but that makes ZERO sense. If you dont “believe” in frontloading dont do it. If you understand that frontloading is making more drug available to the aq layer of the body, increasing plasma levels and allowing for a quicker buildup of drug, then do it for both drugs. Frontloading test E IS beneficial, why the hell wouldnt it be! I don’t like long cycles, but if you are not worried about recovery, it looks fine.
I was just going by what someone else had said about frontloading. It makes sense to do it for both drugs though. Im actually thinking about dropping the EQ and replacing it with winstrol and running a 10-12 week cycle with Test E and Winny. Which do you think would be better for my goals as a rugby player?
I think winstrol is absolutely useless. I liked EQ, but it gave me 2ndary polycemia. I know nothing about rubgy, is there a lot of running? I love test/tren but if cardio is an issues test/masteron might be a better combo. Test and tbol would be a nice cycle too IMO