Possible Biceps Tendinitis Complications

Hey TNATION, long time reader, very occasional speaker. Love this site, so much information! I’m worried about my biceps tendons in both arms, so let’s get down to the nitty and the gritty.

I’ve had shoulder decompression surgery in both shoulders about 6-10 months ago (staggered), which involved the removal of 6mm of clavicle, the shaving of bonespurs (2-3 each shoulder), and also shaving the tip of each acromion (both were hooked downwards).

All went well, about 3 months to fully recover from each surgery, pushing my old weight just dandy. Except bench pressing…

About a week ago, I was doing what I call a chest day (light weight, lots of reps, mostly DB). I noticed some serious pain right after a set, and clicking (which was always there after surgery). I also noticed - this is the sketchy part - something was slipping out whenever I would externally rotate my arm. It just happens now, putting a shirt on, washing my hair, pretty much anytime I have my elbows flared somewhat, a large mass slips out. After looking this up a ton, I’ve come to assume the transverse humeral ligament is torn, which is what is causing my biceps tendon (long head) to slip out of the groove when I externally rotate.


"A torn transverse humeral ligament can also lead to biceps tendonitis. If this ligament is torn, the biceps tendon is free to jump or slip out of its groove, irritating and eventually inflaming the biceps tendon.
Biceps tendonitis sometimes occurs in response to other shoulder problems, including

Rotator cuff tears

Shoulder impingement <---- This is what I had previously!

Shoulder instability"

------------So I’m wondering - has anyone had this? If so, how was the recovery? What was done to fix the torn transverse humeral ligament?-----------

Needless to say, I’ve cut out all bench work and have switched all my lifts to light weight, high reps for maintenance mode, and I’ll be seeing an ortho shoulder surgeon as soon as I have insurance, which could be a while.

[quote]Armored22 wrote:
Hey TNATION, long time reader, very occasional speaker. Love this site, so much information! I’m worried about my biceps tendons in both arms, so let’s get down to the nitty and the gritty.

I’ve had shoulder decompression surgery in both shoulders about 6-10 months ago (staggered), which involved the removal of 6mm of clavicle, the shaving of bonespurs (2-3 each shoulder), and also shaving the tip of each acromion (both were hooked downwards).

All went well, about 3 months to fully recover from each surgery, pushing my old weight just dandy. Except bench pressing…

About a week ago, I was doing what I call a chest day (light weight, lots of reps, mostly DB). I noticed some serious pain right after a set, and clicking (which was always there after surgery). I also noticed - this is the sketchy part - something was slipping out whenever I would externally rotate my arm. It just happens now, putting a shirt on, washing my hair, pretty much anytime I have my elbows flared somewhat, a large mass slips out. After looking this up a ton, I’ve come to assume the transverse humeral ligament is torn, which is what is causing my biceps tendon (long head) to slip out of the groove when I externally rotate.


"A torn transverse humeral ligament can also lead to biceps tendonitis. If this ligament is torn, the biceps tendon is free to jump or slip out of its groove, irritating and eventually inflaming the biceps tendon.
Biceps tendonitis sometimes occurs in response to other shoulder problems, including

Rotator cuff tears

Shoulder impingement <---- This is what I had previously!

Shoulder instability"

------------So I’m wondering - has anyone had this? If so, how was the recovery? What was done to fix the torn transverse humeral ligament?-----------

Needless to say, I’ve cut out all bench work and have switched all my lifts to light weight, high reps for maintenance mode, and I’ll be seeing an ortho shoulder surgeon as soon as I have insurance, which could be a while.[/quote]

yes, i believe I also have a tear in my THL, although I only get very minimal displacement only when lightly tossing a ball, which dissipates as I throw with greater velocity, none with daily activities. The inflammation and irritation is the most important thing to monitor as it will lead to pain. Some fish oil or NSAIDs can help with the initial irritation. I don’t think too many surgeons do an isolated THL fix although I could be wrong here.

Seems if symptoms were bad enough they’d probably do a tenodesis or tenotomy, are the symptoms really that bad as to need surgery? have you even tried rehabbing it yourself?

My tendon slips out when I barely externally rotate it, and is irritated 24/7 no matter what I do. The pain is maybe a 2 when resting, but spikes up to a 7-8 when bench pressing for instance, and maybe a 5 when doing arms or shoulders. Since doing most lifts irritate it, that’s bad enough for me to want surgery, since I’m unable to even do a single push-up without high pain. And since this could lead to a ruptured biceps tendon and a “pop-eye arm”, I’d rather avoid said situation…

I haven’t tried rehabbing it myself other than resting, icing, and ibprofein. You can’t exactly rehab a torn ligament :frowning: I have, however, been doing plenty of rotator cuff strengthening movements ever since my surgery, so that’s a bonus.

Well, I know there’s one procedure out there where they tack the THL back into the bone with little tacks, but I don’t know the name. Right now, I’m fairly positive its completely torn in half since the tendon slips out when I barely move it (and that says its inflamed since its not fitting comfortably in its groove).

[quote]Armored22 wrote:
My tendon slips out when I barely externally rotate it, and is irritated 24/7 no matter what I do. The pain is maybe a 2 when resting, but spikes up to a 7-8 when bench pressing for instance, and maybe a 5 when doing arms or shoulders. Since doing most lifts irritate it, that’s bad enough for me to want surgery, since I’m unable to even do a single push-up without high pain. And since this could lead to a ruptured biceps tendon and a “pop-eye arm”, I’d rather avoid said situation…

I haven’t tried rehabbing it myself other than resting, icing, and ibprofein. You can’t exactly rehab a torn ligament :frowning: I have, however, been doing plenty of rotator cuff strengthening movements ever since my surgery, so that’s a bonus.

Well, I know there’s one procedure out there where they tack the THL back into the bone with little tacks, but I don’t know the name. Right now, I’m fairly positive its completely torn in half since the tendon slips out when I barely move it (and that says its inflamed since its not fitting comfortably in its groove).[/quote]

well yeah its irritated because your benching, doing curls, and push ups.

No you cant rehab a torn ligament, but plenty of times it scars down and that is enough to improve function and stability, see MCL, ATFL.