Two men,
we’ll call them
Driver A
Driver B
Each was given a brand new Porsche 911
Naturally both guys couldn’t have been happier. They each drove their new toys hard. Who wants to drive a porsche at 65 mph? They both went to the Porsche GNC store and bought all the latest 911 recommmended supplements, fuel cleaner, fuel injector cleaner etc.
The only difference between the two was when it came to getting the oil changed. The owners manual for a 3.6 L 911 turbo calls for 14 quarts of oil. They both changed their oil at the recommended mileage.
BUT, driver B was too busy with his career and family to add all 14 quarts of oil so he’d only add 10 and hurry back to his career.
Of course driver B’s Porsche ran O.K. for a while, it wasn’t like he was driving with NO oil. But around the 35-40K mile mark he started having alot of engine problems.
Whats the point here???
For the last 9,900 years out of the last 10,000 years humans got up when the sun came up. And went to bed when the sun went down. Other than a few months in the summer, humans slept alot closer to 10-12hours a day than 6-8 hours. Only in the last 100 years has electricity been available for the masses.
The problem is that anyone reading this has a human owners mannual that has been gentically selected to work optimally on 10-12 hrs of sleep. When you don’t your just like Driver B.
I work in the Oncology field (cancer). And let me tell you, business is booming. Since the goverment started keeping track of cancer deaths in the 30’s the numbers have gone up every year. In January a big headline was that last year for the first time in record the rate went down. What they didn’t tell you was that it went down less than 1% from 2003, but thats still way over the rate in the 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s 70’s (when Nixon declared war on Cancer) etc.
The other stat that wasn’t mentioned was that the number of patients diagnoised with cancer has not gone down but continues to rise and they’re paying through the nose to try and stay alive.
Does anyone really think its no coincidence that cancer (and heart disease) has sky-rocketed with the increase in urbanization brought on by cheap electricity???
Senseial wrote in another post:
Main thing is if you want to be strong as a horse you must train like one, eat like one, and be one.
He forgot one litle thing. You got to sleep like one too.
In another 7-10 generations our genes will adapt to less sleep and cancer will decrease, but anyone reading this has genes selected for the generations of the past.
Back in the 1800’s the Blacksmith was know as a bad ass. Worked like a horse, ate like a horse, hell, worked on horses AND slept like a horse.
There were no 2nd and 3rd shift Blacksmiths. They went to sleep when it got dark. Period.
Does anyone actually think the folks on Okinawa live so long cause they eat coral? PLease. Its because until the last generation the island has been rural and mostly primitive. Meaning they went to sleep when the sun went down. Check their cancer rates in 20 years now that they are have the “gift” of extended daylight brought to them by cheap electricity.
If you want to really think about it your paying the electric company every month for you and your family’s increased chance of getting cancer and heart disease.
The difference between you and driver B is that he can go out and get a new Porsche after 40K (40 years for you, cancer rates go through the roof after age 40), especially if he’s investing in cancer and heart disease treatment companies, cause like i said, business is booming.