Some time ago (about December to be exact) Charles Poliquin posted some comments about mega dosing with fish oil. It seemed to have recieved a luke warm reception for the most part. I certainly thought he was off his rocker a wee bit.
Anyway, the comments stayed in the back of my mind for some time. The “bite” festered and eventually I had to do something about it. So a month ago I got some generic fish oil (typical 180mg EPA/120mg DHA capsule stuff), an anti-oxidant formula vitamin (to protect the oil. Vitamin E was recommended in the thread that followed) and jumped in.
Since Poliquin gave a range (30 grams to 45 grams), I decided to start at the lower end and work my way up if needed. I made no changes to diet or training during this time.
The first week I noticed absolutely nothing, zip, zero, zilch, nadda. I did begin to think that Chuck was flying on something that I didn’t want to get anywhere near, but I stuck it out. I even thought about increasing the dosage, but decided against it just to see what happened. If after two weeks, no changes of any kind were noticed, then I would increase the dose.
Well, after two weeks I noticed a few changes. I’ve had problems with dry skin for a few years. Most everything I tried didn’t work. After two weeks with the fish oil, my skin started to change. It started getting softer (yeah, yeah, get it outta your twat, pecker wood). Forearms, elbows, and knees went from feeling like shark skin to feeling like human skin. My hands went from dried and cracking in the knuckles to nice. I had began having problems at work because I couldn’t hang on to anything (but oh what a feeling at home!)! These changes alone made me start to think that maybe Chuck was on to something. But, for me at least, there was better things to come.
After three weeks some nagging aches and pains (my doc likened them to arthritis) that wouldn’t go away were seriously lessened. Only the good shit from the hospital seemed to help those. And the skin seemed to get even better. However for me the biggest benefit that I got this week was seriously improved sleep. I haven’t woke up in the middle of the night for any reason in the last couple of weeks. No muscle cramps, no hour of the wolf nightmares from hell, no stiffness in the wrong places. Nothing! I was now beginning to think that Chuck knew a thing or two about a thing or two.
With all this, I was pretty happy with the results. So happy in fact that I didn’t bother to up the dose. I stayed at 30 grams a day through out.
The last week everything stayed the same or increased. I also began to notice increased energy. How much? Hell if I know, but after a 12 hour shift of moderate to heavy intensity work, I’m still ready to rock. So much so that I don’t want to go to sleep at night. And when I finally get to sleep, I wake up well rested and ready for the day with less than 6 hours of sleep.
This is what I happen to notice. Anyone else do it? If so throw up your experiences and let’s see what happens. Got a comment? Go ahead, but if it’s negative don’t get your panties in a wad if someone flames you!