Poliquin Audio: Oil intake and BF

Hey all: I was listening to the Poliquin audio files here at good ol’ T and charles made a reference to having athletes supplement their diet, with flaxseed, pumpkin and fish oil, on a rotating basis, and the result being a decrease in bodyfat of 1/2 to 1 percent body fat per week. I’m sure that the info is here at the site and am looking up some old articles about the subject (Eric Noreen wrote a great one), but I’m new to all this Omega 3 stuff and am looking for the “quick and dirty” version of the story. Can anyone give me a good explanation? thanks in advance.


Hi Aaron, there’s polyunsaturated (split into omega3 and omega6), monounsaturated and saturated fats. Try to reduce your intake of omega6 and saturated fats while dieting. You can increase your intake of Omega3 either from fatty fish (salmon, sardines etc), fish oil capsules or from plant sources (linseed oil, meal or pumpkin seeds/oil). Include these healthy fats in your diet and you should see your body fat reduce as long as you control calories and exercise well.

Don’t rely heavily on one source of fat is the message I think Charles wanted to get across. Your body needs Omega3 and Omega6 but there’s debate about how much of each. Try a 1:1 ratio (i think some scientists recommend 3:1). Good luck.