Police Shooting of Sonya Massey

If that’s what happened, it’s a psycho with a gun.

Murder suggests he planned it beforehand then enacted it. It’s not murder it is however a disgusting and heartbreaking display of stupidity, incompetence and so on.

Not sure what their state laws are but Murder will never stick. People are often up charged though.

Nobody is going to say that so just stop already

Unless I’m misreading your post… You believe we are trained to “escalate violence”? If so, you are unequivocally wrong.

I think people mistake escalating violence with escalation of force, which is actually called the use of force continuum.

But de-escalation is thrown out too much by people who think it’s some fool proof method (de-escalation is a desired result, not a method) that always works. In order to de-escalate the person has to be in a state of mind where they can think rationally. Some people are incapable of that under any circumstances. It requires that there be a negative consequence and that person, thinking rationally, chooses to avoid that consequence. It’s like suicide by cop; the negative consequence, getting killed by the cop, is not avoided but desired. How do you reason with someone like that if they are 100% committed to dying?

Also, violence can sometimes be used to effectively de-escalate a situation. It may be the only way sometimes. Many people don’t understand this. De-escalation is really an attempt to get a person to a state of mind where they can think rationally and be reasoned with. And the reality is, not everyone can reach that state of mind. Ask any teacher about certain female students. Once they get started, and it doesn’t take much to start them, they will not stop. Two boys can fight and then become best friends but two girls? They are enemies for life.

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They did wait a few minutes to render aid, and the guy said he wasn’t going to waste his med kit. And apparently an unidentified officer called in saying it was self inflicted.

I’d say having the time to tell her he’d shoot her in the face, not retreating, then proceeding to shoot her is plenty.

Hell, Chauvin was convicted of murder for arresting a guy who’d killed himself with dope.

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Still doesn’t meet the standard for 1st Degree… possssibly 2nd Degree. Likely be the conviction. Either way guy’s a fucking imbecile

Rendered aid on a suspect we shot… sucking chest wound. Saved him. They played a different Bodycam on the news… media are vermin

Is the guy charged with first degree murder? Here’s Illinois’s statute:

I think he was. You’ll often see people get over charged by prosecutors in hopes that it will lead to a conviction via a lesser charge.

Murder 1 TYPICALLY involves prior planning under “cool reflection.” Then acting it out. Under these circumstances I don’t believe it fits.

I don’t know, I would’ve made a Vegas bet on Nick.

That’s why we’re best served not gambling on things about which we’re ignorant.

The job is hard… and it’s also cut / dry sometimes. It can be and is both. Not always simultaneously. Its why its important not to dig your heals in either way.

Ok. Can you clarify how I’m wrong?

Like in the course of a year, where does ones training time get spent the most?



Reading a thesaurus?

You made the assertion…onus of proof is on you. No need to be a wise ass either. We get along just fine but you’re simply wrong.

After Mike Brown departments nationwide went full blown de-escalation.

It’s - Basic verbal and physical restraint - less lethal options - lethal force

We are not taught to escalate violence outside of those guidelines. If you overreact you are open to punishment, termination, and prosecution… so it’s actually quite the opposite.

The irony is that he was an example of someone who wouldn’t respond to de-escalation. Brown, besides being a violent individual, was probably borderline retarded.


Sadly, you are correct. Low impulse control. No role model. Dad had Felony warrants for child support. Terrible outcome.


That’s what I didn’t get. Rebuking didn’t seem like a threat to me, and he followed it up with a big threat, seemingly sarcastic at first.

It seemed like a joke when I first heard him say it. I don’t think he really meant it, but then it happened just seconds later.

Does rebuking even imply baptism or exorcism?

She seemed to be something from the beginning. She started off asking them to not kill her, so the whole thing was weird. She seemed extremely calm until she detected mockery, one of them asked for her ID “that’d make things much easier” and her facial expression completely changed

I doubt that, but I’m not sure. If I shoot someone in my own home 3 times, I would expect to be tried for murder. I don’t think that’s how it should be, but I think that’s how it is in most places.

Three shots compared to hot water… That’s another thing that was weird. I could hear the water sizzling after some real time had passed. A pot of hot water doesn’t usually sound life threatening to me.

It can cause serious burns. It can debilitate you, giving someone the opportunity to take your gun.

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