This book is great:
“The Metabolism Advantage: An 8-Week Program to Rev Up Your Body’s Fat-Burning Machine—At Any Age” by Dr. John Berardi
Dr. Berardi writes for T-Nation and his nutritional stuff is top notch.
This book is really aimed at people like your folks -
He explains the science of nutrition and raising your metabolism really well. Good recipes and workouts.
16.00 at amazon
“The Metabolism Advantage: An 8-Week Program to Rev Up Your Body’s Fat-Burning Machine—At Any Age”…
Kirkus reviews:…
An 8-Week Program to Rev Up Your Body’s Fat-Burning Machine¿At Any Age
Author: Berardi, John
Review Date: AUGUST 01, 2006
Publisher:Rodale Books
Price (hardback): $24.95
Publication Date: September 2006
ISBN: 1594863237
ISBN (hardback): 1594863237
Category: REPORTS
Classification: HEALTH AND FITNESS
Fitness trainer and nutritionist Berardi presents a body transformation program that cranks up your metabolism for healthier living.
In this easy-to-digest guide to boosting your metabolism, Berardi works on three aspects of healthy living: nutrition, exercise and dietary supplements. The nutrition plan covers the components of a healthy diet and provides recipes and meal plans aimed at helping to feed muscle and burn fat.
The exercise element combines interval and strength training, with clear photographs depicting exercises and simple free-weight workouts. In the section on dietary supplements, Berardi emphasizes the importance of including in your diet fish oil, protein, greens, creatine and recovery drinks.
Every section is valuable, but Berardi is most helpful in his discussions of the intagibles: how to ingrain the three aspects as habits, how to maintain strong will power, why setting sensible goals is critical.
A sensible, all-encompassing program to ramp up your energy and well-being.