Please help me

Im going on my first cycle of 250 sus. 200 deca and 5 d-bol tabs a day for 8 weeks. my major consurn is to get bigger pecs and I was
just wondering what would be my trainig program
and how many days can I train my chest a week.
Im 22 5,7 12%b.f. and 170.
thank you

Train your chest twice per week. No more than that is necessary.

2pak…good name. Jon, 2 pak is right. Normally chest takes 5 days to recover, so with your “assistance” you could train chest every 3-4 days. If you do this, I would do Mass movements (bench-variations, dips) one day with a 6-8 rep range and second training day do shaping (flyes, cables crossover, pec deck)10-12 reps. I’d also do my shaping tris (kickbacks, rope pressdowns) after chest on mass day and mass tris(skull crushers, seated db triceps) before my shapping chest movements. Keep your total sets for the day at 12-16. Also something to ponder; I personally didn’t start getting good chest development until I was 24-26, even though I had been working out since 16. Some people mature differently. At the time I was doing DB bench, Incline BB, Decline BB/DB, Dips, pec deck/flyes. Good luck.