Please help a newbie

Hey t-crowd. I first started lifting when i was about 14 and a half, I am 16 now. during that time, i gained about 20 pouds of muscle. I was a skinny bastard then, and am still a skinny bastard now.6"4 at about 155. I got a pretty good diet planned out(massive eating) However i would like everyones input as to what worked for them and what i should do considering my lifting.I just wanna put on weight. Anyone input is really appreciated.

Train hard and if you are naturally very skinny (and it sounds like you are) EAT EVERYTHING!
Dont do massive eating instead make sure are your meals are LOADED with carbs & protein. Keep your fat to 100g a day or less.
Right now you are at the age where you can really lay the foundation down for the future.

Just lift hard and with short duration…(60 minutes or less but not heavy duty) a maximum of 3-4 times per week. At 6’4 you might not have a real good build for squats so you might want to focus on the deadlift. Use basic movements only and work on really increasing your poundages with correct form. Cut out all extraneous activity other then lifting, eating and sleeping. Chart your bodyweight and weigh first thing in the morning. Attempt to gain between 1-2 lbs per week. Along with this keep tabs on your basic measurements…chest, arm, neck, thigh, calf, waist. If you do this and your poundages are going up you’ll be building muscle. Do it for months and years on end and you’ll get where you want to be.

Well, you’ve come to the right place! There is a nice series of articles for the novice on the site. Do a search for ‘Dawg School’ on the main page and print them out. Your metabolism is cranked right now, so eat protein with every meal or snack, and eat often: at least 5 times a day. As long as you are lifting sufficiently to stimulate your muscle growth, at your age, if you are fighting hunger for more than an hour or so, you’re backing up. Also, find someone experienced who can show you how to perform the lifts correctly so you don’t hurt yourself. I can’t stress this enough, especially when it comes to squats and deadlifts and protecting your back. Good luck!

Read the “missing ingredient” article at t-mag and the “youth gone wild” article. Use the search engine at t-mag to find them. Chris Shugart wrote both of them I think

thanks for the advice guys. What rep range and amount of sets u think i should do?

Even though you are tryting to put on weight, try cycling your calories. Almost like going from cutting to bulking, but less extreme. Cycle bulking cals and slighly below maintainance cals. I beleive this has helped in that it not only keeps you from getting too chunky but if you keep eating the amount of calories, your adjustive thermogenesis will adapt, meaning you burn what you eat. This may cause plateau’s. So keep your body geussing applies to diet as well as training in my opinion

I know that squattin is the best mass buoilder, however when i do squat, i feel the pain more in my hams and glutes, rather than my quads. Maybe this might be askin alot but could u guys possibly outline a workout for me?
\I would really appreciate it

Dumbbell, you may be feeling it in your hams and glutes because of how you’re squatting. Could be a form issue, but you’re tall so this may have something to do with it. Try keeping your stance about shoulder width, toes pointed slightly out, and your trunk as perpendicular to the ground as you can (some foreward lean is inevitable). You may also want to try front squats, this will place more of the load on your quads.

For a routine, do a search in the articles. I think there may be some beginner's routines there for you. Don't worry about doing anything fancy right now. Don't even worry about isolation work for a while. Just concentrate on doing the big compound movements.

dumbell if you really wanna do things right, you’re gonna have to screw up a bit and figure out what works for you. I still am trying to figure out the optimal set and rep ranges for myself… It is all personal genetic and goal oriented.

thanks for the advice. If i were to concentrate on building my pundages would nt i gain a good amount of muscle. I never see a skinny guy lifting big weights…

Some good suggestios which ill use bvut what does everyone thing about the idea of building strengh and size following.

Hey Dumbell, it sounds like you really care about building a strong muscular physique. Thats great. Here’s a trick I learned from Whopper: Drink a gallon of skim milk per day in your massive eating diet. I’m a teen too (17) and this worked for me in addition to eating 5 reasonable meals per day. Two of these consisting of a can of tuna amoung other things ie peanut butter and cottage cheese. Thats alot of protein (which by the way, is your best friend). Do the big boy lifts such as squat, deadlift, power clean, Bench, Wide grip curl, Pullups, lunges…the list goes on.

When I was 18 I was 6-4 and 150 pounds. I hated that I couldn’t gain weight. I played basketball in college and gained some due to college cafeteria food and lifting for basketball. I graduated college at a huge (kidding) 195 at age 23. I started lifting as something to do and at around age 25 I started packing on muscle. Sometimes your body just takes a while to decide to do it I guess. I am now 30 and weigh 262-267 at about 10% bodyfat. Eat big, lift hard, rest a lot, and drink your milk. I drink about 4 gallons a week, any less than that and I lose weight. It still isn’t easy to keep weight on, but it will get better, just don’t give up.

One gallon, thats alot. No problem.NOones answered my question yet. If i were to lift for strengh, would nt i naturally gain weight.

Dumbbell, news flash…all of us gained 20 lbs from age 14 to 16 - sounds like natural growth to me. Whatever eating and lifting plans you’re using, add at least a thousand calories and deadlift. I’ve rarely seen an overweight 6"4 16 yr old kid. Don’t be afraid to put on some fat. good luck

OK, if you lift for strength without eating like we have told you you will not gain any weight whatsoever and you will be dissappointed with strength gains. However if you DO eat like we told you to, you will gain muscle and strength, ALOT of it relatively quickly might I add. Don’t be one of those guys who busts his ass in the gym harder than anyone else but never gets anything out of it because of his fucked up diet. later bro. Oh yeah, by the way, training in the 10-15 rep rang is better for scrawny bastards like you until you get a few years of experience. ~PorchDawg