Hey guys, its been several years since I last did any gear. I’m 36 years old, 14% BF and 185lbs. I have done several cycles in the past but none in at least 6 years. I just wanted to post my initial thoughts on my cycle design and take any suggestions you might have. In my possesion I have 2 bottles of Test Prop 100mg, 1 bottle of T-400, 100 tabs of Winstrol 25mg, and Masteron 200mg enanthate version. This is what I was thinking:
Days 1-19 Test Prop 100mg every other day
Days 1-35 Masteron 200mg on Monday and Thursday of each week
Days 19-64 T-400 400mg on Monday and Thursday of each week
Days 45-85 Winstrol 50mg/day
Days 64-83 Test prop 100mg every other day
Days 85-on Clomid recovery
Questions: How does this look? Do I need to frontload the test at either point in the cycle either with the Prop or the T-400? Is 50mg of Winny good enough? Anyone have experience with the enanthate version of Masteron? I’ve never used it.
your test levels may drop after quitting test prop and waiting for t 400 to kick in. does the t 400 have prop in it?
just ran the same cycle test e 1g/week, mast E 400mg/week and winny 75mg/day. liked it quite a bit mast E was awesome hardly needed a AI while using the mast. If you can get more mast I would and run it the entire cycle.
Winny gave me bad pumps to the point I cut workouts short, don’t think I will use it again.
The T-400 has: cyp 80mg, enan 80mg, decanoate 80mg, isocaproate 60mg, phenylipropionate 60mg, and prop 40mg. When would be the proper time to introduce the T-400 then…maybe around day 12? This is where most of my confusion lies is when to bring this in…the rest is pretty cut and dry I think.
Personally I’m not big on just slapping together a cycle with a vial of this, vial of that etc. Either go with prop or t400 but either way you need more. Also grab another vial of Mast as 5 weeks of mast E seems pointless. Good luck but don’t just use product cause you have it. Do it right. Cheers.
[quote]smalsh wrote:
Personally I’m not big on just slapping together a cycle with a vial of this, vial of that etc. Either go with prop or t400 but either way you need more. Also grab another vial of Mast as 5 weeks of mast E seems pointless. Good luck but don’t just use product cause you have it. Do it right. Cheers. [/quote]
I can do that (Mast) but I wouldnt just say I’m slapping this together. Test is test except for the various half lives. Coming on with the quick acting prop as well as coming off with it in my mind is a good plan so I can time PCT right. I never was a fan of multiple esters like Sostenon and T-400 but I thought mid cycle this would be good to run. Again, my main question is when to introduce the T-400? Any thoughts on this please? Also, should the Winny be used at 50mg/day or higher? Someone told me to take more on workout days but I am not sure about that logic.
I have been thinking about running Mast the entire cycle knowing its effect on estrogen.
Week 1-10: t400 1ml twice weekly
Week 1-3: test prop 100mg eod (after three weeks the test will kick in)
Week 1-10: mast E 2ml per week
Week 11-14: winny 50mg daily
This is a really good cycle, it takes about 3-4 weeks for the long esters(mast,t400) to clear therefore pct should start 4 weeks after last shot.
During this ‘waiting’ time we use winny for its SHBG reducing ability, I like to stack it with proviron as well…Proviron also lower SHBG and works synergistically with the winny.
Clomid 100mg for a week
Nolvadex 20mg for a month after the clomid with hcg @ 500iu’s EOD for 20 days
Add aromasin with the nolvadex at 20mg daily if you want THE ULTIMATE pct lol, but not needed bro.
Yes test is test except for the esters. Just don’t know why you wouldn’t just use 1 or the other. Using both I’d start with T400 but front load it 1000mg first week. Then use the prop to finish the cycle and into pct. As for the Winstrol I’ve never used itso won’t comment on it.
[quote]smalsh wrote:
Yes test is test except for the esters. Just don’t know why you wouldn’t just use 1 or the other. Using both I’d start with T400 but front load it 1000mg first week. Then use the prop to finish the cycle and into pct. As for the Winstrol I’ve never used itso won’t comment on it. [/quote]
Ok, you caught me, the T-400 did sort of fall into my lap LOL…ok, so lets assume I already started though with my current plan. I am doing 100mg Test Prop EOD along with the Masteron Monday and Thursday. whether right or wrong when should I throw in the T-400 and should it still be done with a frontload? I’m guessing around day 12???
F’kin esters man, I havent done em since my first cycle of Sostenon when I was a young, dumb, 18 year old senior in high school. That was such a dumb cycle, a pyramid cycle maxing out at 500mg right in the middle. Mind you this was now 18 years ago when the only source of info was Muscle Media 2000 and Bill Phillips Anabolic Reference Guide. LOL.
Haven’t read up or talked with many about switching esters midway. I would assume there’s no real big issue but not going to tell you what I don’t know. I say try to find more prop.