I am 17, 165 lbs, 6-8% bf. I workout twice a day M-F for about 30 minutes each and occasionally on Saturdays. I am a powerlifter and do not wish to gain or lose any weight. I must be able to make 169 weight class in March. Any input, suggestions, criticisms, etc. are greatly appreciated. Thanks
Mon - Fri
6:30 Wake up
7:00 Multivitamin, 2 MD6, Morning Shake consisting of 2 Scoops Grow blended w/ tbls of Udos choice & OJ, a bowl of oatmeal or cereal.
10:00 Morning Workout (I will occasionally take powerdrive before depending on workout)
10:45 Protein Bar and Cranberry, Grape, or Apple Juice mixed w/ creatine
1:00 Fairly big sandwich (usually tuna, turkey, or roast beef) on wheat bread, fruit, and some sort of snack (wheat thins, goldfish, nutrigrain bar, etc.)
4:00 2 MD6, 1 scoop Powerdrive
4:30 Afternoon workout
6:00 Post meal shake consisting of 1 scoop grow, 1 scoop whey, cranberry and grape juice, and creatine.
8:00 1 tbsp of Beyond Greens with a basic dinner consisting of some sort of meat and occasionally a salad.
11:00 Bedtime shake consisting of 1 scoop grow, 1 scoop met-rx protein, skim milk, 1 tbsp Udos choice.
11:30 Go to sleep
Sa & Sun
12:00 Wake up
12:30 Multivitamin, Breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, sausage, etc
3:00 Some sort of high protein meal
7:00 Another meal of pretty much whatever
11:00 Another meal
12:00 Sleep
I don’t take md6, udos choice, or beyond greens on weekends, and only have an mrp post workout if I workout on saturday. I also will take some creatine sometime during each day. Generally on the weekends my meals arent as nearly as strict as during the week and i will occasionally have fast food, etc on weekends.
That is pretty much it. Also do I need to vary my diet from week to week?. Keep in mind I am not really trying for a bulking or cutting diet, I just want to maintain what I am currently at. Once again thanks for all the input.