Its ok if you wanna hate. Do what you do and I’ll keep doing what I do and will see who looks better in the end. Also try to refrain from name calling cause you have no idea who I am or what I am actually capable of. If you think protien is not a bulking suppliment you need to read page 1 of protien and what it’s used for.
I see alot of people on this site in halfway decent shape but very few who actually know what there doing and yes my bodyfat ranges from 0 to 4% You can hate all you want, jealousy is kinda flattering… And yes my pics are captioned with what they are but please dont let the smooth appearance fool you.
All I was trying to do was give someone some real advice the rest of you can beleive what others tell you but until you put your head in the book and read for yourself I will expexct more talk your posts above. Sad to be uneducated but I was there once to, when I was 12 but never the less like all denial is not just a river in africa!
[quote]macfire wrote:
Its ok if you wanna hate. Do what you do and I’ll keep doing what I do and will see who looks better in the end. Also try to refrain from name calling cause you have no idea who I am or what I am actually capable of. If you think protien is not a bulking suppliment you need to read page 1 of protien and what it’s used for.
I see alot of people on this site in halfway decent shape but very few who actually know what there doing and yes my bodyfat ranges from 0 to 4% You can hate all you want, jealousy is kinda flattering… And yes my pics are captioned with what they are but please dont let the smooth appearance fool you.
All I was trying to do was give someone some real advice the rest of you can beleive what others tell you but until you put your head in the book and read for yourself I will expexct more talk your posts above. Sad to be uneducated but I was there once to, when I was 12 but never the less like all denial is not just a river in africa![/quote]
The point you seem to be missing is that you’ve come on a site entitled ‘Powerful Women’ populated by a number of women who compete in power lifting and other strength sports and advised someone not to lift weights. In fact, the advice you so patronisingly spew is what we hear from every uneducated pt out there. Cardio certainly has its’ place and I will agree on self control with respect to diet.
You clearly haven’t been around long enough to know that posting in this area with advice about ‘toning’ makes you sound like a moron. We don’t tone. We lift weight; a lot of weight and we’re good at it.
Most of us aren’t relying on putting our collective heads into books to get our information. We are making decisions based on real life experience; our own life experience. Perhaps your advice would be better received in another forum. I would recommend you get a better feel for who you are talking to before you jump in and look so foolish.
You lift weight? I saw your pics. what do you think weight is 100lbs 125? go look at a body range chart for a heathly person male or female. Also I didnt come into ur powerful woman who think they are men site it was on new posts…Some of you I see do not know what being a woman means obviously. If u r 5-3 165 I would hope to god you were a power lifter cause if not your grossly fooling yourself and I hope when you say power lifter she throws up at least 225 cause if your not doing at least 225 your just a lifter no power there and 225 is a starting point.
But hey its ok I am going to leave your site now cause frankly your some wee wee smelling kids that think they know it all and hey when I was your age I thought so to, you will learn as I did. Do not beleive what you hear and if someone that looks a 1000 times better then you in all aspects of there physique you might think there is some truth to what he says. By kids!
Sigh… I love listening to “educated” people who don’t know how to spell. Here’s some educational bits for you… “protien” is actually spelled protein. “Beleive” is spelled believe. Oh and there are differences between they’re, their and there. Learn them.
As far as 225lbs being a starting point for a 5’3 165er, how about 225 being warm up weight for the 123lb lifter you were trying to patronize about heavy lifting being “100 or 125lbs”…
I’m sad you changed your profile to private before I could see how pretty you really were. I didn’t get a chance to admire your 0% body fat. What is it like having literally NO fat on your body? You must feel pretty special and powerful. Must be all the protien (sic) you are not taking for fear you would get too big and bulky.
You know who he kind of reminds me of? The guy that went into all our logs and advised us to do Ripptoe’s starting strength. I think this was last summer. Kensai. That was the guy. It was if he was going to ride in on his white charger and save all the foolish little girls and their pink dumb bells.
The difference is that this particular tool is advising pink dumb bells and leg lifts ffs.
You have to kind of wonder what goes on in people’s heads. I may not have reacted quite as irritably if that wasn’t his very first post on the site. Perhaps if he had posted in strength sports or something. It would still have been poor advice but the moron factor would be slightly lower. It’s almost as if he joined just to spread his wisdom.
He also reminds me of the guy in my gym 1/4 squatting with the tampon on the bar telling me how to squat.
hey he called us kids!
from the sounds of his posts, a few of us are old enough to be his mom, including me.
throw up 225? encore de LOL, any powerlifts involve throwing up weight that ya’ll know of?
clearly this moron has no idea what powerlifting is.
HAHA!!! Oh, this was funny. I especially like how he told people to get their heads in books for “real” knowledge.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m very admittedly one of the least powerful women here, and it’s partly because I spent almost two years reading articles and logs on this site before I actually started lifting anything approaching my potential, thus it was for the most part a waste of time, practically speaking. Even today, N. got in my face for ending a set too soon.
[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
macfire wrote:
Do not train with weights, Do cardio, leg lifts and sit-ups.
Fuck. Anyone else want to add anything more coherent?
YoMomma? Please…[/quote]
Well, after I just about pissed myself laughing, I thought that perhaps he may be mentally challenged. I draw the line on retarded jokes. Clearly, the man is an embarassment to himself. There’s no need to insult him. He’s done a pretty good job on his own.