PL Moving Up Weight Class Cycle

Ok so I hit my goal at this last meet and so its time to change up. Ill be going straight Test here so to promote a lot more size and allow my body to drop the Nor-19s for a while. As said I usually run 2g of gear total and Ill stay true to that for this cycle. I have attempted this before but the T400 I ran was so painfull I couldn’t do it for very long due to my vagina hurting. But, will just be doing more frequent and more volume of pinning to make it doable. Also planning another meet in November looking for a easy 1550 total how ever have been lead to believe with this approach and the body weight increase 1600 may finally be mine.

Week 1-15 ( meet week )
2000mg of Test E
300mg of Deca for joints only

Weeks 10-15 ( meet week )
2000mg of Test E
300mg of Deca
75mg of Tren Ace
50mg of Dbol
50mg of Anadrol

Weeks 14-15 ( meet week )
add 20mg of Halo

Obviously will be adding in a AI finally and a very heavy liver support.

Current Best Meet Lifts: All done after a injury that greatly hampered my numbers
585 Squat ( stupid easy I mean not even almost a sticking point )
340 Bench
575 Deadlift ( Missed 600 by 1 in literally )

Goal for November
620 Squat
360 Bench
610 Pull

There you go Yogi.


I love it

just for the sake of comparison, my next cycle which I ordered all my gear for today will be:

1200mg test
50mg dbol (might taper this up over the 4 weeks)
40mg m sten

a much more sensible affair, I’m sure you’ll agree

Agreed still considered high by most but mine is much more aggressive I will agree. I have about 9 months to Squat 700 as a junior and between food and gear it’s going to happen.

Can’t wait to see this happen… what’s the programming look like, roughly? Following a specific template, or going by a coach?

If you mean training wise I am just going by what has pushed my numbers hard up to this point already. Basically modified 3x5 and heavy overloads and partials.

Sunday: Squat and Accessories
Squat: 3x3, 3x5, 3x6
Reverse Band: work up to heavy 1-3 with every other week roughly.
2-3 accessories focusing on PC Work lots of GHR and Hypers.

Monday: Bench and Accessories
Bench: 3x3, 3x5, 3x6
Alt Between 2-3 Board Presses and Negatives: 2-3 sets.
Upper Back Work and Triceps 2-3 accessories.

Wednesday: Deadlifts and Accessories
Front Squat: 5x10 mostly warmup
Deadlift Alt Between Deficit and Block Pulls: 3x3
Upper Back, PC, and Core Work.

Thursday: Rep Bench Day if shoulder will allow it
Same as Monday minus heavy boards and stay around 10 reps

This has not changed much for me over the past year and it has allowed constant PRs week to week and meet to meet. I may be using the SSB Squat for the first few weeks depending on my shoulder but hopefully come this Sunday it’s game on.

for me if i pin more than .2 cc of Test 400 i got soreness… but if i cut it 1:1 with any other compound i was golden…

looks like a fun cycle :slight_smile: only thing i’d add is GH and insulin… GH is had been my missing ingredient on what i expected from gear… its pricey but it takes AAS to another level… then tack on insulin :slight_smile:

If I had a reliable source for it I would love to but im not wasting $200-250 a kit for half assed gear. Im to fat for Insulin lol.

you guys see that article that’s been appearing on the boards lately about how GH use is increasing among teenagers?

These must be some uber rich, super sweet 16 little cunts getting one hell of an allowance off daddy in order to afford that shit!

God damnit I want some gh! Reed you got that shit no problem!

Wow that cycle looks like fun. What made you start using an AI? Unless I missed a recent change, I thought you always ran without. With the added weight gain, you should crush those goals man, especially the squat and bench. Nothing drives my bench up quicker than some quality mass gain.

I wont use one until after my first blood work but my E2 sets high not so bad that it causes any problems but literally doubling my dose I figure it might finally be to much but I am gonna watch it. If I can stay away from it I will though.

Ok first Pin officially down and started 1000mg in each quad. Lets see what happens in a few weeks. Also just started the Calorie bump wont bore you with a food log but for Idea for Breakfast…

6 Large Eggs in Fried in little Olive Oil
32oz of Skim Milk
2 slices Whole Grain Toast with oz of Cheese on each
Greek Yogurt

3 more meals a day with similar sizes.

Ok first Pin officially down and started 1000mg in each quad. Lets see what happens in a few weeks. Also just started the Calorie bump wont bore you with a food log but for Idea for Breakfast…

6 Large Eggs in Fried in little Olive Oil
32oz of Skim Milk
2 slices Whole Grain Toast with oz of Cheese on each
Greek Yogurt

3 more meals a day with similar sizes.

Reed what percentage of your max do you use on those 3x3, 3x5, and 3x6 sets?

It’s not really based off of percentages per say. When I began the training cycle Sunday I essentially worked up to a hard 4. Which because I can’t use my hands to squat due to my shoulder being injured right now I worked up to 465 which is roughly 85% of my unwrapped max of 530. I then took it for 2 more sets of 3 and then a very light reverse band with 505 for 3. Next week will be a fight but ill shoot for 3x5 and then 505 reverse band for 5. And then bla bla bla for next week then go to 475-480 for 3. Goal is to hit 520 for 3 by
November which is 560 estimated 1 rep max. Then start peaking for the meet which with wraps will put me at about a 620-640 Squat.

Damn sorry got way the fuck off track. I’d start with 75-80% unless you are on gear and are a pretty efficienct Squatter and can cope with the intensity of starting at 85%. Starting at 85% just drops you right into the heart of tough.

Thanks man, I’ll let you know how it goes! Good luck and godspeed to 700.

[quote]I AM wrote:
Thanks man, I’ll let you know how it goes! Good luck and godspeed to 700.[/quote]

Thanks man. Are you running my program? That’s awesome if you are lol don’t know if any one has before other a very few people I train. I hope you like it and hope it works for you if you have any questions let me know.