So what do I do guys im stumped, I want to be huge and strong and athletic for MMA but at the same time I want a great physique. i feel like if I just powerlift i will see my muscle definition go away and I dont want that considering how summer is 4 months away. I weigh 192 and am 6’2 with 11% BF My lifts are bench 320 squat 380 deadlift 405. So what should I do guys i was reading you have to build the house before you paint it which i think was a great quote.
Oh i forgot to mention for MMA im going to be fighting at 185 so I would walk around 200-205 which im not to far away.
You find a gay club and go dancing in it.
Stop being a homo bro and I say it in the most loving non homo way possible.
Either you’re a fighter, training like a motherfucker and get down on your knees and say thanks to the Lord every night for having health and ability despite how you may appear or you’re a poser worried about how your obliques will look in a photo of you fighting some bum in a cheap ass show, just so you can put the picture on facebook and forums and play hardcore.
Go and fucking train until you bleed. Guaranteed you wont get fat and you’ll have the body you need to fight with not the one you need to pull chicks and fags.
No disrespect to you or your goals, but, you need to have a long conversation with yourself and decide whether you want to “look good” or be a true fighter. They are totally different worlds. Training for combat/ sport or professional fighting is as far from “weight training / looking good” as playing “Call of Duty” is from actual combat.
Oh … I forgot to mention, I used to fight at 220-230 lbs at 12% or so and now walk around at 260. I look bigger and somewhat leaner now but could fight way better when I was smoother and smaller at 220. Even better when I was younger at 185.
[quote]humble wrote:
You find a gay club and go dancing in it.
Stop being a homo bro and I say it in the most loving non homo way possible.
Either you’re a fighter, training like a motherfucker and get down on your knees and say thanks to the Lord every night for having health and ability despite how you may appear or you’re a poser worried about how your obliques will look in a photo of you fighting some bum in a cheap ass show, just so you can put the picture on facebook and forums and play hardcore.
Go and fucking train until you bleed. Guaranteed you wont get fat and you’ll have the body you need to fight with not the one you need to pull chicks and fags.[/quote]
Can we save this as some sort of template for the next time this question pops up four days from now?
I <3 you guys.
“you’re a poser worried about how your obliques will look in a photo of you fighting some bum in a cheap ass show, just so you can put the picture on facebook and forums and play hardcore.”
To the OP. I actually do understand your delima but in the end the advice here is pretty much on point. You have to have A goal and strive for it. If you truly train to be a fighter your body will start to take shape. You can lift weights and of course your diet will be the biggest factor to how you look. However if you spend a lot of time under the bar lifting and not training to fight you are going to get fucking smashed in the cage.
MMA is getting harder and harder to stay on top nowdays once you are to a certain point. There are lots of “tough guys” out there in the ammy’s who don’t train the way they should and are not serious etc. They get smashed and embarassed in the cage. You either buckle down and come back stronger because you want to win or you start making excuses and try to look good and pull some pussy because you are a “fighter”. Once you get to a certain point you will start meeting guys who have been training and fighting for years, its a way of life and you will be wishing you had spent the time and effort or you will walk away and work on your abs.
In a non homo way as possible I say that I love big smooth guys with lots of muscle…LOL because they normally suck dick at fighting and I will make thier face ugly with scars and thier pretty bodies hurt for days.
I see nothing wrong with being a pretty boy and pulling all the ass or cock you can if that is what you are into. Personally I take great pride in knowing that if I want what you have I can take if from you at any time because I am more badass than you. If for some reason you are more of a badass than me then there will certainly be mutual respect and can move on.
Are you kidding? Fucking chicks dig my scars. My scalp, eyes thighs knees and shins… they fucking drool. It’s character. Put Vin diesel next to Justin Timberlake. Guaranteed Vin scores the chicks and Justin scores the blokes or chicks who wish they had dicks. Only a weak ass masculine bitch who doesn’t know her identity wants a pretty fucker in skinny jeans.
I love it Humble. Definately some truth to that. Skinny Jeans the dumbest looking thing ever for a dude. Wearing flat slip on shoes only makes you more bitch.
What about Krocs? Those have to rank up there.
OP, first if those lifts are legit (meaning they were done in a sanctioned meet, or at least would pass for legit lifts) then you’ve likely already got enough strength to handle all but the true genetic freaks (who you will never catch strengthwise, no matter how hard you focus on strength training) in your weight class. What you likely don’t have though is enough strength to overcome those with superior technique (and again, you’re not likely to ever reach that point unless you were born a freak) or enough technique to overcome those who can overpower you.
So, if you are serious about fighting professionally, you need to give top priority to training your technique and fighting specific conditioning and put the powerlifting training on the back burner (just do enough for maintenance, and even that may be unrealistic depending on how long it took you to get to where you currently are).
On the other hand, if how you look and how much you can lift are the most important things to you, then just be honest with yourself and admit that. The vast majority of people who participate in Martial Arts (and combat sports) are not doing it because they plan to some day fight professionally (much less at the elite level), and even of those who may start out thinking that they will, few actually make it. So, if you aren’t one of the very small percentage who will someday be an elite combat athlete, just do your lifting to get strong and look good naked and do the Combat sports as you can as a fun hobby. You can still compete of course, and maybe if you do well your priorities will change, but be honest with yourself in the present.
Good luck.
Sento, when I read his lifts, I thought the same… either he’s taking the piss or a wannabe pro troll trying to prove to his fellow trollers how he should be initiated.
Those numbers are very decent for his weight. If he could apply them, like he does his moisturiser and skin cleanser, he would be able to own more ass than his boyfriends in the cage.
[quote]humble wrote:
Sento, when I read his lifts, I thought the same… either he’s taking the piss or a wannabe pro troll trying to prove to his fellow trollers how he should be initiated.
Those numbers are very decent for his weight. If he could apply them, like he does his moisturiser and skin cleanser, he would be able to own more ass than his boyfriends in the cage.
The first half of that post I read as you finally giving the guy props…then the sting in the tail ha. I love your posts humble.
That makes you and my wife my number 1 and 2 fans. Your one, she’s two…
That will keep me from committing suicide if I ever read another "bro, I lift hardcore and bend barbells but I want to bend some motherfucker in the ring too, please rate my workout.
25 reps x 400 pounds squats
drop set x 3 with 1/2 weight per drop
60 reps deadlifts with 600 pounds
superset with calf raises 57.5 reps or 58.5 if I am feeling good at 1025 pounds on the leg press"
[quote]Sentoguy wrote:
What about Krocs? Those have to rank up there.
OP, first if those lifts are legit (meaning they were done in a sanctioned meet, or at least would pass for legit lifts) then you’ve likely already got enough strength to handle all but the true genetic freaks (who you will never catch strengthwise, no matter how hard you focus on strength training) in your weight class. What you likely don’t have though is enough strength to overcome those with superior technique (and again, you’re not likely to ever reach that point unless you were born a freak) or enough technique to overcome those who can overpower you.
So, if you are serious about fighting professionally, you need to give top priority to training your technique and fighting specific conditioning and put the powerlifting training on the back burner (just do enough for maintenance, and even that may be unrealistic depending on how long it took you to get to where you currently are).
On the other hand, if how you look and how much you can lift are the most important things to you, then just be honest with yourself and admit that. The vast majority of people who participate in Martial Arts (and combat sports) are not doing it because they plan to some day fight professionally (much less at the elite level), and even of those who may start out thinking that they will, few actually make it. So, if you aren’t one of the very small percentage who will someday be an elite combat athlete, just do your lifting to get strong and look good naked and do the Combat sports as you can as a fun hobby. You can still compete of course, and maybe if you do well your priorities will change, but be honest with yourself in the present.
Good luck.[/quote]
If you are posting in ernest OP than this is the post you should zone in on.
Robert A
In the interest of comedy:
This is a landmark thread, and it has nothing to do with how to train.
Previously BigBoss was the unquestioned king of “gay for the stay”/“stinks like prison sex” type of references/threats.
It really looks like humble is lining up for a title run. Oddly enough they are both accomplished heavyweights who train muay thai. I am not sure if there is any kind of lesson in that correlation, but I am not about to put on the white coat and start researching…
Robert A
[quote]humble wrote:
Are you kidding? Fucking chicks dig my scars. My scalp, eyes thighs knees and shins… they fucking drool. It’s character. Put Vin diesel next to Justin Timberlake. Guaranteed Vin scores the chicks and Justin scores the blokes or chicks who wish they had dicks. Only a weak ass masculine bitch who doesn’t know her identity wants a pretty fucker in skinny jeans.[/quote]
This is a great post, but next time you visit the states you may be disappointed. The number of good looking women dating men with skinny jeans and wannabee beards is amazing.
Things are still good!
I’ll never understand the whole skinny jean thing. Those can’t possibly be comfortable. Not to mention they look terrible.
[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
[quote]humble wrote:
Are you kidding? Fucking chicks dig my scars. My scalp, eyes thighs knees and shins… they fucking drool. It’s character. Put Vin diesel next to Justin Timberlake. Guaranteed Vin scores the chicks and Justin scores the blokes or chicks who wish they had dicks. Only a weak ass masculine bitch who doesn’t know her identity wants a pretty fucker in skinny jeans.[/quote]
This is a great post, but next time you visit the states you may be disappointed. The number of good looking women dating men with skinny jeans and wannabee beards is amazing.
Things are still good!
So in essence, you’re saying you have small legs.
Robert, love it lool…