Phoenix's Odyssey

Finished yesterday at a little over 200, not exact. Today i sit at 175, plannin on having a pb and j sandwhich, which should put me around 182 grams for tonight.

ordered my protein from today, can’t wait till it comes in. great prices.

Stretch marks are there, kinda ugly but i like them ha. think of them as battlescars.

Tomorrow’s leg workout day, my knee feels better tonight…but we’ll see how it is inflammation wise tomorrow

/I am the phoenix\

JUne 4, 08 workout.
Machine flys 80pds 17 total rp reps
Backward hammer sh press 90pds 13 total rp reps
BTN PUlldown 140pds 19 total rp reps
POwer RAck Close Grip BP 135pds 13 total rp reps
Barbell Rows 115pds 11 reps

Machine flys i underguessed myself, but i way underguessed on the pulldowns. again i am surprised by my strength on back width exercises. barbell rows wasn’t that good…i’ve never done them regularly in a workout so that might’ve contributed to how uncomfortable i was with the exercise. I can see great progression in it though as i get more comfortable.

/I am the phoenix\

June 6, 08 workout

Close Grip Chins bdywght(145) 16 rp reps
leg press calve raises (wide stance) 210pds 10reps
Good mornings 115 20 reps
Leg Press 410pds, 360pds 12 reps, 20 reps

The quad workout was my first dc style and it was brutal. I don’t normally do good mornings but i wanted them for hamstrings. i’m lookin for a rep range of like 15-20 with them. I’m honestly not gonna do anything for forearms besides db holds every other leg day, i think they get enogh work what with all the pullups, barbell rows, and deadlifts.

Finished yesterday in the 190s for protein and already today am around 63grams.

Checked my weight on friday like i will every week and i’m up to 145, 6 pounds since last weigh in. I of course did it in the morning like the first time, empty stomach. the weight might be due to water in the muscles now, i have been supplementing with creatine and all.

ah, whole body is sore, i love it.

/I am the phoenix\

Yesterday i finished at around 193 grams of protein.

Played a crazy game of football yesterday for like a good hour and a half or so. so crazy HIIT cardio was taken care of pretty well ha.

/I am the phoenix\

Finishing off the day at upper 180’s protein wise, ah my trueprotein stuff hasn’t come in yet… tomorrow i’ll only have 1 ready-to-drink protein shake…i don’t know how i’ll even get close to the protein intake i need…i’ll figure something out.

Ah little nervous for tomorrow. This is gonna be the first time i need to beat that logbook. aaaah can’t wait. gonna tear that shit up!!

/I am the phoenix\

Dumbell Bench Press 60pds 17 total rp reps
Db Sh Press 35pders 15 total rp reps
Supinated Weighted Chins bdywght(145)+25pds 10ttl rp reps
WEighted Dips bdywght(145)+25pds 15 total rp reps
Sumo Deadlift 225, 185pds 10reps, 12reps

I was disappointed with the progression on the dumbell bench presses, being my first exercise and all i was sure i would kill it, but i barely beat it by 1 rep, and that might’ve been due to the adrenaline rush i got from being scared that i might not progress in my favorite of all chest exercises. Everything else was progressed pretty well, especially dips.

But sadly today i ran out of protein. i’m gonna finish the day at only about 145 grams of protein…and i don’t even know what i’ll do tomorrow…i might get some old favors friends owe for cash to get some RTD protein shakes.

ah i’m feeling IOMS through my whole upperbody already. I need plenty of sleep tonight i can feel it already.

i’ve run into a bit of a problem…my right knee is still causing me problems, that’s why i haven’t been updating. i wanted to workout on leg day but the knee was flaring up badly jus during the day doing regular activity like standing and walking…i’ve gotten a brace for it and i’m going to rest it for a while…

gonna keep up with aleve medication to help with inflammation and as soon as i feel well enough i will continue with leg days. i’ve kept up with my protein intake all these days though, staying around 200 grams of protein per day which is pretty easy with the great trueprotein, protein

/I am the phoenix\

Had a great workout today. tore it up.

Incline Machine BP 120pds 13 total rp reps
Cuban Press 65pds 19 total rp reps
Close Grip Pulldown 170pds 12 total rp reps
Skullcrushers 65pds 16 total rp reps
V-bar rows 160pds 10reps

raped the logbook.

forgot to take weight and measurements yesterday damnit! well it’s too late now, they will be affected by the fact that i’ve been eating and just worked out. i’ll take em tomorrow morning.

/I am the phoenix\

Weight: 144.5 pounds(the needle hovered between 144 and 145)

Measurements: Waist 30 1/4in
Right Arm 13in
Left Arm 12 7/8in
Chest 37 1/4in
Right Upper Leg 22in
Left Upper Leg 22in
Right Calve 14 1/4in
Left Calve 14in

I took different measurements from a different place on my upper leg than i did last time, because i think it is a more accurate measurement from here, plus it’ll be easier for me to be more consistent.

I’m larger in all areas, except for my left calve, but i would understand since i only trained my calves directly twice in the past two weeks =(. seems i have some slight imbalances in my calves and arms, oh well nothing really to worry about.

EVen though i put more relevence on measurements than i do on weight, it is still an indicator of progress so now i know that i need to tweak something in my diet to keep the scale moving up.

/I am the phoenix\

Posted plics on my t-page. hopefully in due time i can call them my skinny pics ha

/I am the phoenix|

I’m going to throw biceps in tomorrow on the upper body workout since i’m not gonna do lowerbody yet. i wont’ start lower body until doing regular things like walking and running stop making my knee flare up, it’s getting better already by the way.

remember…it’s not over
/I am the phoenix\

had a shitty as hell workout today. Today’s been pretty hectic, plus i was plannin to workout around 6:30 but what happened is i lied down…and fell asleep! See i work with kids at the local boys and girls club from 8-5 and they have been suckin the life out of me! normally i’m ok, but these past couple of days i’ve been very sleepy after work.

well the nap shook me out of routine, i went to workout like twenty minutes after i woke up and i guess the unregular schedule fucked me up because i failed on two exercises, after that i just walked out of the gym. fuck that, it’s not like i barely missed a PR, i’m talking about failing at around 5 reps warming up with a weight that last rotation i hit 19 total rp reps with.

I’m of course not gonna switch out the exercises, it’s not a plateu, just an off day. I’ll post what i did PR with though, and have that with the same marks to shoot for on other exercises next time i come around to it.

Ez Barbell curl 65pounds 16 total rp reps
Pec Dec machine 90 pounds 10 total rp reps.

Now it’s an ez bar i’m gonna use since apparently the straight bar they had at the gym that i used last rotation just up and walked away. i asked some workers there and they didn’t know. so obviously the weights gonna be slightly lower than i had with a straight bar but i’m cool with that.

Ah i feel like i’m failing already, even though this is an odyssey and i know it will be long and have many ups and downs, i didn’t expect a down so early on. I will apply myself better. Finished around 210 grams of protein today.

/I am the phoenix\

Well it’s over…
as far as DC. I started this workout hoping to get back on track…and again i couldn’t hit PR’s even close…now it’s the realization that i wasn’t ready for DC. I squandered what was left of the workout, walked around with glassy eyes for a little, confused. i had a plan in my head andit went to shit, but i got back and made a workout of it. switched over to something like Chad Waterbury idea of getting a rep goal like 25, then picking a weight you can lift like 7 times till failure, then gettin 25. i’ll have to reevaluate my training program that i will use to achieve my goal.

Dumbell Press 60pds (after totally failing on the PR, i did a set of 4x5)
Db Sh Press 35pds 12,6,6 reps ( was still kinda lost on what to do)
REverse Grip WEighted Chins bdywght+25pds 25 total reps 5 sets 90 sec rest
Weighted Dips bdywght+35pds 25 reps 5 sets 90 sec rest
Sumo Deadlift (CNS or something was fucked up, couldn’t get close to the weight i was using last rotation, did a couple sets lowering the weight until i gave up)
Preacher Curls 65pds 20 reps 4 sets 90 sec rest

my main long term goal, training wise, is to get my body advanced enough to handle DC training as fast as possible. i wanna do this by getting as strong as possible, as fast as possible. i’m thinking about implimenting the smolov jr. program on the main big 3 lifts.

it’s less intense and long as the actual smolov program. google it if you like. i will do cycles with 1 big lift a cycle. 1st is deadlift, then like a week off, then bench press, then squat. i will do total body sessions on those days, trying to keep enough maintenance work not to lose strength on other areas. low volume, low intensity on other stuff.

At 139 lbs, you SHOULD NOT be DC’ing.

Yeah i’m not. well this was yesterdays workout.
target reps
high rep day 40-50reps 5 sets 90 sec rest

Flat Barbell Bench PRess 135pds 32ttl reps
Shoulder PUlls 60pds 53ttl reps
Supinated Chins bodyweight 32ttl reps
Pushdowns 70pds 51ttl reps
RAck Deads 185pds 57 reps

Felt good, still finished in about an hour time. The deads felt great, in great i mean the hardest part of the workout. i’ve never really done deads in my workouts in such a high total volume, usually they’ve been more ME style as an evaluator of strength. It was fun.

well here’s the thing…on sunday i am leaving off to Austin for college orientation. I will be gone until july 5th… if anything i could see if we would be able to use the weight rooms there on our off time since we stay in the dorms…but i doubt it…just noting a bump in the road.

I’ve decided that i want to learn as much as i can about insulin… I’ve been learnin up on it, and it seems to be THE KEY to bodybuilding of any sort. so far i’ve learned the most from this link

other links seem basically focused on insulin in people with diabetes. if anyone has any good links as well, if this one isn’t comprehensive enough.

went biking yesterday on some offroad bike trails. kinda like another evaluation of my knee. it was fine, there was only a little nagging from it. i’m going to continue evaluating it by performing pistols but i’m pretty sure it’s good for next time i will workout, which will be sometime later this week like on saturday, by then i’ll be back from the orientation trip to austin.

/i am the phoenix\

ok i’m baack from the UT orientation. i welcome regular eating and lifting schedule. here’s the workout of today.

Deadlift 6sx6r 180pds
Bench Press 12-10-10-8reps 115pds all sets
Lat Pulldowns 12,10,10,8r 120pds, 110pds on last set
Hammer Press 12,10,10,8r 50,60,70pds
Leg Press 12,10,10,8r 250, 270pds on last set
Face pulls 12,10,10,8r 60, 70pds last 3 sets

I think i’m going to drop the last set of 8reps from all exercises and keep it to 3. considering i’ll be working out 4 times a week.