Punch a facist for me.
I’ll try my friend!
Truth is, last time they had 4000 cops who gave out the parole “we are beating this march through, no matter what”. As a result of the year before where they had to turn around after they were confronted with burning barricades and the police said “yeah nah, at this point, we’re cancelling the whole show”
So usually we’re on the receiving end there.
Quick check-in: Saturday was a huge win for the team but for me personally it came with a price. No injuries but a fever going strong since Sunday. Doc said it’s real influenza most likely. Gonna lose all my gainz and wallow in self-pitty meanwhile.
So yeah that will then be 2 weeks (hopefully not more…) of no training. Not the best start into my programming with Paul or the season prep.
I hope you’re feeling better! And you won’t lose all your gainz - your body needs rest right now. You’ll be back to epic beast mode in no time!
10.02. .
Symptoms aren’t completely gone but very much on their way out. So it should be safe to train and still I was anxious and too much focused on introspection (slightly hypochondric, one might argue).
Took lots of rest between sets.
1 hang power snatch
3 @ 60 kg
3 @ 63 kg
3 @ 65 kg
3 @ 67,5 kg
3 @ 70 kg - bit too heavy, soft elbows and had to dive under more than instructed.
2 deadlift - “2 sec between reps, no reset at the top”
4 x 5 @ 170 kg
Focused on back rounding. On this one, I felt the flue the most.
3 seated btn press (no back support)
3 x 10 @ 40 kg
4 btn lat pull down
3 x 12 @ 45 kg
5 wrist curls with ez bar
2 x 12 @ 30 kg
1 x 10 @ 30 kg
Actually really difficult witht that weight
Was definitely very tired after this. Which is to be expected after two weeks off and sick.
Great to see you back at it and at least starting to feel better
1 push jerk
3 @ 100 kg
3 @ 105 kg
3 @ 110 kg
3 @ 115 kg
2 x 2 @ 120 kg
2 front squats
2 @ 110 kg
5 x 3 @ 100 kg
3 depth jump (from 30cm)
2 @ 50 cm
2 @ 60 cm
3 x 2 @ 70 cm
4 back extension (2 sec hold at the top)
3 x 10 @ 20 kg (barbell btn)
5 L-sit hold on dip bars
3 x 10 sec
Today was a desaster and I don’t want to talk about it…
Yeah the flue did a number on me. Hopefully I’ll be back to my old self in no time.
1 push jerk (3 sec pause in receiving position)
3 x 5 @ 90 kg
2 front squats
4 x 5 @ 105 kg
Not easy but so much better than tuesday already. Failed the very last rep because of a stupid mistake but strength was fine.
3 snatch grip rdl (beltless)
3 x 10 @ 100 kg
4 high incline db press
1 x 12 @ 30 kg
1 x 11 @ 30 kg
1 x 8 @ 30 kg
5 one arm hang
3 x 10 sec. Per arm
- still got congestion and coughing going and quickly out of breath when the heart rate goes up but feeling improved. Maybe next week finally back to normal.
- I got some more rest days in and this training already felt much much better than Tuesday.
- lost about 4 kg due to the flu.
Good work!
1 hang power snatch
3 @ 60 kg
3 @ 63 kg
3 @ 65 kg
3 @ 68 kg
3 @ 71 kg
2 deadlift (2 sec between reps, no reset at the top)
4 x5 @ 175 kg
3a seated btn press (no back support)
3 x 10 @ 45 kg
3b btn lat pull down
4 x 10
4 wrist curls
2 x 12 @ 32,5 kg
1 x 9 @ 32,5 kg
- got pretty good leg DOMS going on from Saturday.
- cold symptoms are staying. This may just be my life now (week 4)
- much better than last week though. Rep quality on the snatches was improved. Deadlifts feel tough this way
Time for some dayquil
I don’t think we have stiff like that over here. Not sure it would help either. But we’re still on the upswing… it’s just a very slow one xD