Pendulum muscle building

A question for @Christian_Thibaudeau regarding pendulum muscle building

The progression in the muscle mastery weeks is as follows:


5 seconds downward movement

week 5

3 times 2 seconds pause downwards

week 9

Tempo contrast

Should the weight stay the same over the weeks?

Because I feel like week 9 could be hard with this

Thank you very mutch

Push …

I don’t have this particular program, and I’m obviously not CT, but I’d imagine the weight should stay the same if at all possible. If tempo is the mode of progression, you’re not necessarily progressing if you lower the weight to increase the eccentric (or whatever parameter).


Thank you for your answer!
I have already found out :sweat_smile:

Not possible with the same weight
This shit is f… hard :slightly_smiling_face:

But good :slight_smile:

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I’m a huge fan of the try it and find out method!

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