
I think that most high schoolers can relate to this post. In my mind there are two types of pencilnecks:

  1. The “Tuff guy” pencilneck - Those extremely wealthy skinny punks who wear wife beaters to school, try to talk and walk like they’re african american, and walk around like they own the school.

  2. The “pretty” pencilneck - The damn skinny prettyboys that seem to pick up the hot girls.

Both of these types of irritating pencilnecks irk me equally. Damn I’d love one of one of these “tuff guys” to step out on to a wrestling mat with me. They really need a few T-men like me and my friends to put them in their places. Also, what the hell happened to girls being attracted to the big, muscular guys like me and my friends? I really gotta transform into a prettyboy to pick up the hot girls?? I guess not when beach season comes around…


I’ve seen many a “pencilneck” drop some big dudes with one punch.

you know what? thats exactly what i always say… those mother fuckers arent shit compared to my 230 pounds of sheer mass… fuck them ill fucking military press all their asses… i mean cmon i am a state champ

Spencer, you’re kidding right? Both of you guys would probably end up getting embarrassed by one of those pencilnecks.

Fact: High Scool chicks dig the skinny wigger in the wifebeater. They want to live “on the edge”. They want to upset mommy and daddy who ruined their life by not understanding their need for the BMW that “all my friends have”. Dating twine-arms accomplishes all this. They grow out of it. Your job, is to keep growing. Lata.

"MB Eric: Enjoying his turn when feeling the burn since 1345."


NaturalMan, I have to agree. Size does not mean your strong or fast. I’ve seen some pencilnecks wreak havoc on big guys. Size matters to a point, but beware… just because they’re skinny doesn’t mean they have no balls, and can’t fight. Not everyone wants to be massive as hell.

Just remember that any pencil neck can pull a gun. I speak from experience when i say thats some scary shit.

I hate those assholes. Whenever they get chicks it makes me pissed. Reading “The Big Woof” helped me undrstand a little more about the female sub-spieces. But I’m not even close to getting them all figured out.

I dont care much for the gen y “pencil neck” issue (watch this space gen y - provocative gen y thread coming when I return next week) BUT … what is with the troll posts “naturalman”. If you knew Spencer and knew about real fighting you would know that is so unlikely that you look pathetic saying it. Why the hell would you care anyway but if you did and you knew what you were talking about, you would probably bet big bucks that spencer would beat pretty much any “pencil neck” (uggh - time for a break).

Muscle mass has very little do to with being able to fight. Royce Gracie was a “pencil neck”

Naturalman, you’re not a pencil neck are you? Well all you guys in high school make sure you smash as many herbs as you can while you’re young. And to foot soldier, go pick up some pretty boy clothes, then go pick up some chickies. But remember, you’re only going undercover as a pencilneck. That’s how I would justify it.

Women are pretty much attracted to the same things men are, physically. You THINK that because you have muscles, it automatically turns a woman on, but that’s nonsense. They like a pretty boy face, or handsome face, just like we like a pretty girl. When’s the last time you looked at a big woman bodybuilder and said, ‘Oooh ya, honey, come to papa!’ ?? The people that want you to believe that muscles automatically attract women are the same ones who put beautiful models on the covers of bodybuilding magazines sticking their asses out with their arms thrown around a pro bodybuilder. $$It sells$$. That is all they care about. As long as you’re not a fat slob, and you have a decent amount of muscle ‘tone’, you don’t need to be hugely muscular and strong to attract women. It’s all in your confidence, personality, and general presentation. But if you’re not a ‘pretty boy’, you’re not going to make up for it by getting more muscular…sorry.

Y’know what though? When one of us and a pencilneck are alone, it usually seems that the 'neck comes off as envious of our physiques or confidence. All the bling bling or girls in the world are great when you have a public to milk for approval but one-on-one, deep down most guys seem to wish they had the nuts to be big/strong/committed to a serious lifestyle. Of coursem this is my 27 y/o perspective, maybe it’s different now in high school.

My brother is a pencil neck, my husband is a T-man. My brother wrecked havoc in highschool and beat up many, many a bigger guy, Note I did not say a T-man, just guys bigger than him. But one day my brother (not realizing my husband was home) let his temper get the best of him and threw a chair in my direction that was meant to scare me, but not hit me. When he noticed I was looking behind him at someone, you should have seen his face pale. He went right over to my husband and started saying he was sorry and just baically grovelling and begging for mercy. My brother is tough, but he knows he’s no match for a T-man - especially one that is as protective of his family as mine is.

For those that didn’t like what I said…So! Drop the ego’s and learn some humility before someone teaches you some. Sounds like your learning that most women aren’t attracted to massive dudes. That makes you jealous, so now you want to beat up “pencilnecks.” You sound like Biff from “Back to the Future.”

you gotta be kidding natural man… all the kids at my school dread me cuz not only am i huge… im also a state wrestling champion which means i can kick your ass… im just saying the ones that walk around thinking they are cool are retarded and should be knocked out… im freinds with a few… but if youre saying pencil neck… i think of a pretty boy that would never try to lay a finger on me cuz he would know hed get layed out

and im also saying i dont have a pretty boy face myself… some people call me a pretty boy… and girls do like me but the other assholes that are skinny and pretty can take a seat and act your size

Pencilnecks … on of my favorite nicknames. Whether someone is skinny or buff, I find that they dress according to their personalities and/or according to how self-conscious they are. How perfect for a scrawny dude to dress like a gangsta. He may not be tough, but he dresses like he’s ready to rumble. But a skinny man who knows how to fight will destroy a bigger man who doesn’t have a clue. Now, to be big and knowledgeable about the art of fighting … ahh … now that’s damn intimidating. As far as chicks go … they aren’t as appearance minded as guys are. If you can make a girl laugh and feel good about herself, you’ve won a big part of the battle. Girls love me … I’m downright hysterical! LOL but working my ass off to get bigger. :slight_smile:

damn i messed up again… i meant to say … im not saying i dont have a pretty boy face… its some what pretty… but not to the extreme cuz im not super tan or anything… its not bad though

Hey footsoldier, frustrated cause some guys smaller than you uses their dick a lot more?
You sound like a such a fucking retard,it doesnt even worth responding intelligently. Hope you aren’t like that everyday.